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Welcome to the Six-Day Workweek

Dear Subscriber,

We hope this email finds you well. Our latest weekly round-up highlights several significant events in Greece, from environmental and labor issues to political upheavals. Here's a brief summary:

1. Hydra Island Fire: A devastating fire burned 300 hectares of Hydra's only pine forest, allegedly caused by fireworks from a yacht rented by Kazakh oligarchs. The Greek authorities arrested the crew but allowed the passengers to leave the country before charging them with complicity in arson.

2. Labor Law Changes: Starting July 1, Greeks will work six days a week, surpassing the working hours of other European countries. Despite this, the Greek economy faces challenges, including low wages and high unemployment.

3. Closure of 'Avgi' Newspaper: SYRIZA leader Kasselakis decided to close the historic daily edition of 'Avgi,' citing financial issues. This sudden move has sparked controversy and protests among the newspaper's employees.

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Best regards,

The AL team

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