Celebrating Otello Sarzi - partisan and puppeteer
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New Europeans International is delighted to send our best wishes to the Sarzi Family Foundation for the celebrations in Reggio Emilia on 6 February to mark the 100th anniversary of the birth of Otello Sarzi
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Otello Sarzi (right) with Italian Film Director Federico Fellini (centre) and the puppet Fagiolino (right)
New Europeans International joins with the Fondazione Ernesto Rossi and Gaetano Salvemini , Stefano Bonnacini, President of the Region of Reggio Emilia and friends of the Sarzi family in Europe and internationally in wishing the Fondazione Famiglia Sarzi every success with the anniversary year launching today (Opens in a new window) at the Teatro Cavallerizza di Reggio Emilia.
Speaking about his father's work, Mauro Sarzi said:
"My father personified the magic of craftsmanship and experimentation. Shaped by the war period and his experience as a partisan, my father's journey,like ours in Europe today, was always a battle for rights and for freedom".
Roger Casale, founder of New Europeans, said:
"We are proud to be working with Mauro Sarzi as he continues his father's mission to entertain, educate, inspire and inform with puppets, including Fagiolino, the puppet of Ernesto Rossi, co-author of the Ventotene Manifesto. "
Events and celebrations will continue throughout the year, many of them centred on the 'La Casa dei Burattini di Otello Sarzi', the museum inaugurated in 2019 to house the Sarzi family foundation's puppets.
Meanwhile, New Europeans is working on a new initiative (the Fagiolino Project) with Mauro Sarzi and Elisa Mereghetti, Ethnos Films, to promote the idea of Europe as a safe space for human rights in communities across the EU.