Clearing the rivers
Whatever we’re intentionally feeding grows. Unfortunately, this is also true for what we’re unconsciously feeding.
What makes all the difference is awareness and radical honesty. The willingness to clear the river from the pollution that was created by society, systems and experiences - and our own thoughts and choices. The inner river of creativity.

There comes a time in our lives when water begins to whisper our name.
The river, the lake, the rain, the ocean.
Speaking to our inner rivers and the source of creativity and wisdom.
Following this voice might feel terrifying if we’re afraid of water. It’s darkness, depth, roughness, wildness and unknown territory. But if we let the curiosity grow, the fear begins to dissolve with every wave we allow ourselves to feel.
It doesn’t matter how many times the waves wash over us, drag us down, if we choose to trust the current to lead us to a deeper truth, to dive deeper, to explore a new world within and discover parts of us that are lying on the ground, sunken long time ago, because we didn’t feel the courage to let these parts surface, afraid they might be too big, too intense - I’m speaking about emotions, ideas, dreams, gifts and talents.
What does it take to let them become a vibrant part of your life? To welcome them back into the light? Or to dive deeper, relax into your own depth, bringing the light of curiosity into the darkness, where forgotten or postponed ideas and dreams are waiting for you to be explored? Where emotions we didn’t know how to feel, express and process are waiting to be welcomed into your heart, with compassion and kindness.
It needs trust. If we feel the urge, the pull, if we hear the whisper, we’re ready.
And, what I realised and experienced is that water actually nurtures trust.
How? I’m not entirely sure. But the not knowing led to a phase where all my body and heart was longing for was to be close to or in the water. To float, to listen, to overcome the fear of swimming in lakes and the ocean.
The underwater world, this element, is such a huge part of our lives, it’s our origin and our lives depend on the health of the oceans, we are water, and yet, it might not feel like our nature.
And I believe it’s just another reminder that nature is our greatest teacher. The elements help us remember our own nature.
And I think for some, being in nature, fully immersing oneself is everything one needs to remember. For those, me included, who need some guidance and yet a language, a philosophy and science that empowers us, rather than putting us into another system that asks us to blindly follow rules and learn about stuff we don’t really care about or that will never be of use — there are practices, perspectives, concepts and stories that help us discover and remember our nature, that bring us back to (our) nature. Like a bridge back to our roots, our wildness, our intuition and a future that is more aligned with our own rhythm and nature. And when I speak about our own true nature, I’m speaking about love, wholeness, a deep knowing that we are one. One with the universe and all of nature. That’s why it’s not about fixing or becoming better at something, it’s not about thriving to become whole, it’s about remembering our wholeness. It’s about melting down the layers of concepts and beliefs that make us think we’re incomplete, not enough. It’s about realising all the ways we’re standing in our own way of feeling whole and living from a place of wholeness. That’s why we need to clear our inner rivers.
Let’s see what yoga and astrology have in store for us (a lot!).
Through the lens of yoga, water is associated with the feminine, yin, shakti, a moon like energy, our emotional landscape, sexuality, creativity — and trust. Trust in the flow of life. Energetically speaking, the second chakra is related to the water element, located in the pelvis, where our reproductive organs are. We could say, it’s the energy that initiates life.
So if we want to explore the qualities of water, we can reflect on where they are present in our lives, how it would feel like to invite them more into our lives.
These are the qualities, the areas to explore: feminine (yin) energy, emotions, sexuality, creativity, surrender, trust, flow.
We can do this through contemplation, practices inspired by the water element, being more creative, asking ourselves how and when we experience flow. And if there’s something in the way, a story or belief, ask yourself how it would feel like, how it would be different if this wasn’t there.
The way I began exploring and leaning into my elements was through astrology (in combination with yoga), because suddenly, there was a rhythm that invited, called me to contemplate, reflect and discover different parts of me — in alignment with the seasons, the sun and moon. It (re)awakened the longing to live more authentically, to fall in love with all parts of me, to let parts of me fall away which were never really mine — so I had more space to explore who I really am. What I want, how I want to live, love and contribute.
So astrologically, water represents the following zodiac signs: cancer, pisces and scorpio. Ruling planets are the moon, Neptune and Pluto. If you’re a little into astrology, these signs and planets speak for themselves. If not, and this way of exploring our human existence awakens your interest, continue reading — and follow along, there are workshops, practices and ceremonies lined up, inspired by this way of looking at life, yourself, aligning with nature, the sun, the moon. To realign with your own rhythm, remember your nature.
It’s essentially a journey through the elements. I’ve been updating my website, so feel invited to see how we could explore the elements within you, together.
And there are more areas to explore:
Astrology speaks about higher and lower frequencies, if we can find ourselves on this spectrum, with this awareness we can consciously, intentionally begin moving towards the higher frequencies.
So let’s have a look at the higher and lower frequencies of water.
If you’re not a member or in a free trial yet, this is where I invite you to start yours — because this is how I ask for support, for believing that our art and ways of how we express ourselves and share our gifts is worth a contribution.
I asked myself recently, what would I do if money wasn’t an “issue” — and my answer was: I would do more of what I love, meaning I would pour all my love into writing, creating more spaces for you to explore your humaneness, remember your nature. I wouldn’t worry about if people will sign up, I would just do it because I believe in it. I would leave it up to the universe to bring my offerings and creations to the people who long for exactly what I have to offer.
And, I would just continue to explore new ways of living, for myself and to be able to share my experiences with you.
I would invest in a van, so I can just travel to the places I know I can learn and grow; and in studies, honouring my love for learning, which can also be seen as a strength, because learning fuels our passion for creating learning opportunities for others.
So this is like a little crowdfunding - are you in?
The higher frequency of water shows up in being able to forgive, to be sensitive, empathetic, compassionate, responsive to (our inner) life, creative, trusting, flexible, set boundaries; we’re not afraid of the life/death/life cycle and are open to the mystery of life, living a spiritual and intuitive life (in a way that makes sense to us) and are inspired by our dreams, knowing we carry everything we need to draw them into reality. I like to imagine myself floating in water, fully trusting that I am held and supported, that I can let go of the impulse to move all the time, to stay active and instead, allow myself to fully feel, soften, trust and surrender.
The lower frequency is associated with the fear of death, excessiveness, wanting to escape reality, not believing into our creative energy, seemingly cut off from our emotions, intuition and instinct. We’re boundless, not able to set boundaries, putting others first, not connected to our feelings, needs and dreams. We could find ourselves holding onto control, only trusting the visible and tangible, afraid of the unknown.
What resonates with you?
What would you like to invite into your life and reality?
Remember it’s through inviting a felt experience that we get to change our inner stories and beliefs.
And — for you, it might be another element that is whispering your name.
Earth, fire, air.
I’ll write about air next season (Libra is around the corner). But with this upcoming full moon in pisces and my own experience and practice (softening into trustful surrender), the amount of time I spent close to and in the water these past weeks, I felt deeply inspired to begin with this element.
So let’s dive a little deeper into the realms of water.
Creativity, trust and surrender
Creativity is a tricky thing for so many, do we think of us as creative? What are the stories associated with being creative. Many believe creativity is only expressed through art in its various forms, that we’re either gifted with it or not. But this is just another example of how disconnected we are. Creativity is an inherent part of being human. Every time someone says “I’m just not creative”, my heart feels a sort of pain. It’s a real experience for this person, but it’s not true. We might not all want to become painters, authors, dancers or musicians — but if there’s a part of you dreaming about it, even just thinking about starting a new hobby, if you feel the longing to live more in alignment with (your) nature, your rhythm, to be more present, this is your creative force whispering to you. Your soul is asking for space to explore, learn, experiment, so you can eventually thrive and let life, nature, move, create through you.
I’m a little hesitant to start writing about surrender and trust, because it’s such a huge and powerful topic, a path that frees us from suffering — and I’m currently exploring a whole new level of it. So for today, I invite you to contemplate or journal what surrender and trust mean for you.
Where in your life do you fully trust? Where can you sense doubt and the urge to control?
How would it feel to trust more?
Where can you soften the grip, open your heart and your arms and surrender to what is instead of wishing for a different experience?
Can you remember to let trust and surrender be a felt experience during your day? Through softening and relaxing, leaning into compassion, openness and curiosity?
Through inviting warmth, kindness, becoming present with your own heartbeat and breath.
Around a full moon in pisces (plus a partial lunar eclipse, which heightens this energy even more) I can highly recommend all the ways you can make space for dream states, softening, flow — through music, practice, writing, art, being in nature, feeling the water on your skin, washing away the rigidness, the grasping, stories and energies of others.
How can you feel safe to feel your emotions, to let it move through you?
How can you create a container, a soft structure, a ritual for tending to your heart?
And if you know me a little, this is what I love to do, to offer, to create — with these writings, ceremonies, workshops, practices and mentoring.
So whenever you’re ready, I’m here to co-create, to walk a part of your path together, to sit in ceremony with you.
As always, I’m curious about what’s on your heart, what resonates, if these musings and questions are helpful. Let me know, in a comment or mail.
I’m happy to connect with you.
Sending you much love!
Teresa ❤