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What are the gifts you came to share with the world 🔮

My dear friend,

How are you today? Is it as sunny where you are as it is here?

The work that I do is so magical, and even as I’ve ‘just’ been rewriting and editing the texts for the Wheel of Colours (Si apre in una nuova finestra), I discovered so many new thoughts, ideas, perspectives, possibilities and I got to recognize so much more about how life works, that I, myself find it difficult to believe.

I cannot even tell you how many times I thought I understood it all, just to be taken deeper and deeper into the mysteries of life.

These days I’m also exploring and experiencing love in a whole new way and on a whole new level, and I feel so incredibly grateful to be able to see the effects it has to only expect the best in life - because only when we expect the best, we can also have it, live it, and experience it. ❤️ 🌷

Life can be so beautiful indeed.

And I know none of that would have been possible for me without learning to see myself differently through the Wheel of Colours (Si apre in una nuova finestra), recognizing all my powers and my gifts, and figuring out, by seeing me differently through the lens of the Wheel of Colours (Si apre in una nuova finestra), how to really live the life I was always meant to live.

Which is why I am so incredibly happy to be able to share this tool with you, in an even more all encompassing way — now.

To show you some more aspects of how this beautiful tool can work, I’d like to play a game with you today - and you can even win a free Wheel of Colours from me if you play. I’ll explain how in a second.

I came across this post by Esther Perel, who has been a role model to me for many years, when it comes to living your purpose and sharing your gifts with the world and also with her wisdom when it comes to holding space for complexity - especially in relationships.

Her parents met after being freed from the concentration camp in Auschwitz, after WWII, and bonded over the loss of most of their families - if I remember correctly.

Growing up with that much trauma in her family bloodline, Esther Perel became a therapist, specializing on couples and relationships, and when you listen to her and see her, then you cannot miss the love, passion and heart she puts into her work. It’s really inspiring. She’s found her gift and she lives it.

We all came into this world with a special gift to share, just like Esther Perel.

And when we make that gift, this topic, our core message, that one thing we always see in life, the one topic that we are especially passionate about, and that helps us to make sense of a lot of trauma and experiences we had, our profession, then there’s no stopping us.

But not all of us dared to live their gifts in life yet, and many of us aren’t even sure what their true gift really is. I most certainly wasn’t sure about my gift before I discovered the Wheel of Colours, but when I read it, my whole life, the experiences I had so far, and even the wheel’s of other family members and how it all plays together made so much more sense.

So, the game I’d like to invite you to play today goes as follows:

Read the description excerpts below and see if you feel like one of them fits for you.

If you’d like to know for sure, you can order your Wheel of Colours from me and find out what your gift is, plus read a longer explanation about it and how you can activate it so that you can make the best use of it in your life.

And to make the game more fun, I’ll make a Wheel of Colours for free for 5 people, which I will draw blindly from all those who send me their answer/guess before May 25th, 2024.

What is the Colour of your gift?

Red – Trust, Passion & Confidence

Do you love telling people how much better their life would be if they were passionate about what they did, or if they started doing what they do with more confidence? Do you love to tell other people how incredible and powerful they are? Then the colour of your gift might be red.

You can learn more about the qualities of the colour red here (Si apre in una nuova finestra).

Yellow – Warmth, Authentic Connection & Support

Do you love telling people how much better their life would be if they acknowledged their feelings, followed their heart, and became more sensitive to their own needs and those of others? Do you love to tell them how incredibly beautiful it is to feel all that is around us? And how beneficial it is to allow our feelings to guide us? Then the colour of your gift might be yellow.

You can learn more about the qualities of the colour yellow here (Si apre in una nuova finestra).

Blue – Intuition, Truth & Inner Knowing

Do you love telling people how much better their life would be if they listened to their intuition, their gut feelings or their inner guidance as the information coming from there is much more valuable in guiding them on their unique way, than any advice from other people could be? Do you love to tell them how this way you can access knowledge and guidance and oversee situations in a way you’d never be able to if you followed reason or logic? Then the colour of your gift might be blue.

You can learn more about the qualities of the colour blue here (Si apre in una nuova finestra).

Green – Focus, Commitment, Manifestation & Creative Power

Do you love telling people how much better their life would be if they started to really focus on their dreams and just did something about them? Do you love to tell them how incredibly powerful they are when they tap into and use their creative energy to create and live the lives they want? Then the colour of your gift might be green.

You can learn more about the qualities of the colour green here (Si apre in una nuova finestra).

Pink – Creativity, Innovation & Unique Expression

Do you love telling people how much better their life would be if they started to live and express as their unique selves, and how their creativity can bring a lot of fun and innovation to everything they do? Do you love to tell them how incredibly beautiful it is to see them express in their unique ways, and how they have the power to shape and form their environment and themselves? Then the colour of your gift might be pink.

You can learn more about the qualities of the colour pink here (Si apre in una nuova finestra).

White – Relationships & Conscious Connection

Do you love telling people how much better their life would be if they started to live to have better relationships with themselves and others? Do you love to tell them how much they could learn from someone or how they could fix their relationship with someone, or what they need to do to create peace or lighten up their family or group of friends? Then the colour of your gift might be white.

You can learn more about the qualities of the colour white here (Si apre in una nuova finestra).

Purple – Completion, Fulfilment, Healing & Wholeness

Do you love telling people how much better their life would be if they started to be grateful for all the blessings in their lives and to discontinue the things that don’t serve them? Do you love to tell them what they need to do to get out of an unhealthy situation or habit, or how they could move beyond limitations and confusion? Then the colour of your gift might be purple.

You can learn more about the qualities of the colour purple here (Si apre in una nuova finestra).

Orange – Learning, Experiencing & Teaching

Do you love showing people what tricks they can use to learn, memorise or explore something? Do you also always come up with new ideas to teach people about how to learn and grow? Do you love to tell people where they can find the best information on a certain topic, or how to organise the subjects they want to study? Then the colour of your gift might be orange.

You can learn more about the qualities of the colour orange here (Si apre in una nuova finestra).

Grey – Authenticity, Equality, Honour & Respect

Do you love reminding people that everything in life becomes better, more joyful and easier if we learn to respect each other in our differences? Can you see the good in every person and can find something positive to say about every situation? Then the colour of your gift might be grey.

You can learn more about the qualities of the colour grey here (Si apre in una nuova finestra).

Brown – Transformation and Practical & Physical Action

Do you love to teach people about the importance of practical and physical action, and that we need to use our bodies in order to build community and to understand it to grow on an individual level? Can you easily see through structures and know what needs to be done (in physical ways) to master a situation or a task, to implement an idea or to meet a goal? Then the colour of your gift might be brown.

You can learn more about the qualities of the colour brown here (Si apre in una nuova finestra).

Rose – Sensing, individuality & Honesty

Do you love to share new and unique perspectives with people is? Can you easily encourage others to see things from different perspectives and to think outside the box, to try new approaches and broaden their vision? Then the colour of your gift might be rose.

You can learn more about the qualities of the colour rose here (Si apre in una nuova finestra).

Black – Meditation, Introspection & Reflection

Do you like to help to guide people to look within, to recognize and to change themselves and their unhelpful behaviour, and to support them in developing and growing to the best of their abilities? Do you like to guide people back to their inner beauty and the importance of discovering their inner world, to meditate, reflect and look for answers within? Then the colour of your gift might be black.

You can learn more about the qualities of the colour black here (Si apre in una nuova finestra).

Crystal – Clarity, Transparency, Enlightenment & Mastery

Do you like to tell people of the importance of clear communication, of being honest and open, and of living simple and honest lives? Do you love to help people understand the importance of transparency and clarity and the freedom they gain from that? Then the colour of your gift might be crystal.

You can learn more about the qualities of the colour crystal here.

Was this fun?

And do you think you know what your gift is now?

You can send me your answer by answering to this email before midnight of the 25th of May this year. I’m curious to hear about your guess, and I’d love to make a Wheel of Colours (Si apre in una nuova finestra) for you.

I send you my love and appreciation.

Love, Verena (Si apre in una nuova finestra)

Yesterday and today I’ve also been writing about the different ways in which we protect ourselves, and how important it is for us to know how to feel safe.

But regardless of what each of us needs on an individual level, to solve or avoid conflicts and to feel safe, so that we can move through the world confidently, we can also always use the spiritual laws to protect us.

If you’d like to learn how, check out the GROWTH chapter (Si apre in una nuova finestra) of the CREATRIX School.

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