Tinz Twins Hub is an independent data science publication focused on the financial sector. We introduce you to current frameworks, libraries and technologies that support you in data science projects. In this context, we want to introduce you to the application of Data Science in the financial sector.
In our articles, we want to teach software engineering and data science skills together. Since we both work as Software Engineers and Data Scientists, we believe that a Data Scientist should have a basic understanding of software engineering.
The goal of this publication is to help you to implement projects. While writing, we focus on good structuring and research. In addition, we give you references to further literature at advanced points to maximize your learning effect.
We publish several articles for free, while others fall under our Premium category. Members help us fund our work to ensure we can stick around long-term. You can find our free articles on tinztwinshub.com (Si apre in una nuova finestra).
As a member, you are part of our "Data Science for Finance" community - you can like, comment and write messages.
Happy reading! 😉😉
- Tinz Twins