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Vincent's project

Subtitle testing (1) Subtitle testing (2) Subtitle testing (3) Subtitle testing (4) Subtitle testing (5) Subtitle testing (6)Subtitle
di Vincent

Scegli il tuo abbonamento

Piano 1 di 3: Plan 1
$2.50 mensile
Piano 2 di 3: Plan 2
$5 mensile
Piano 3 di 3: Plan 3
$10 mensile
Piano 1 di 3: Plan 1
$2.50 mensile
Piano 2 di 3: Plan 2
$5 mensile
Piano 3 di 3: Plan 3
$10 mensile

Obiettivo attuale

0% di $100 al mese raggiunto


The 5 most important points in a nutshell Communicate the important, essential idea behind your publication. What do your paying members get? (Exclusive content? Regular hangout with you?) To what extent do paying members get closer to your medium? Don't talk about subscriptions or donations, but about a membership in your medium.

Don't repeat in too much detail what your audience already knows about your medium or yourself.



(Si apre in una nuova finestra)