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Newsletter #44

territorial future thoughts by spatialforesight

In February we published three blog posts on the future of territories. One was about cross-border energy communities, and two presented possible desirable future narratives to add some positive ideas to the otherwise often rather gloomy debates these days.

The potential of cross-border energy communities. The transition to clean and sustainable energy systems is an urgent challenge. Cross-border energy communities are emerging as a means to accelerate the energy transition while fostering cross-border cooperation. Find out more about them, their benefits and how to get started. (Read (Si apre in una nuova finestra))

The potential of cross-border energy communities. (Si apre in una nuova finestra)

We imagine desirable futures (4): From rhetoric to results. In recent years, European societies have been swept up by the appeal of populist rhetoric. Escape the populist pied piper by rediscovering the importance of sound evidence. Our latest positive future narrative looks beyond current "post-truth" trends. Discover what such a future might look like. (Read (Si apre in una nuova finestra))

We imagine desirable futures (4): From rhetoric to results. (Si apre in una nuova finestra)

We imagine desirable futures (3): Rediscovery of details and personal responsibility. Today's debates about the future are often dominated by glossy narratives. Amid the noise of these narratives, a quieter but powerful narrative is emerging. Explore a future focused on the rediscovery of detail, local action and personal responsibility in a complex world. (Read (Si apre in una nuova finestra))

We imagine desirable futures (3): Rediscovery of details and personal responsibility. (Si apre in una nuova finestra)

In the pipeline

We will continue to feed the blog with reflections on the future, Europe, spaces, places and people. Upcoming blog posts will focus on territorial cohesion, cohesion policy and the question of reliable evidence.

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