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June 2023 Issue

Welcome to the June 2023 Issue of The Norwich Radical! This is a new format for the publication: a multi-article issue once every two months. This is the second such issue – if you missed it, you can check out our April 2023 Issue here (Si apre in una nuova finestra). Apologies are in order - in the chaos of launching this new model, we dropped the ball on sending details of the April issue to you, our supporters on Steady! Please accept our humblest bowing and scraping, and enjoy the June issue!

Since the beginning, The Norwich Radical has had a dual focus on politics and the arts as two equally important arenas for change, struggle and progress. Our June collection of articles reflects that, spanning local and international artistic projects across music, theatre, poetry and animation, with an eye to the political and social contexts they spring from, plus another heavy-hitting long read about Europe’s ‘last acceptable racism’ and joyous reflections from attendees of Norwich’s second annual Trans Pride picnic.

Find all the articles in our June 2023 Issue here (Si apre in una nuova finestra).

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