4 steps to winning back recently expired memberships (including templates for email and social media!)

Target recently churned members with a tasty incentive to renew their memberships.
Reducing the number of expiring memberships, or churn (Si apre in una nuova finestra), will help ensure long-term growth for your project.
Follow these four easy steps for a simple, one-month campaign to win back members whose memberships have recently expired:
1. Collate a list of members who expired in the last two months.
To do this, head to your Members (Si apre in una nuova finestra) area in Backend, filter your members by "state" (select "terminated") , and then order by date to find the memberships that expired most recently. You can download a CSV file with these members' details so you know who to contact for your campaign. More on working with your member data (Si apre in una nuova finestra).
2. Write them all an email with a special offer to resubscribe (template 1 below).
3. Send one email per week for the next three weeks to remind them of your offer (templates 2-4).
4. Post on social media in parallel to the email campaign (templates at the bottom of this post).
Template 1
Subject: 🙌 Restart your membership and get {10% off}
Hi there {first name},
We were sad to see you drop out of our membership community recently – your presence is already very much missed. As a small, independent operation, we feel connected to every member that joins us. As well as the financial support, members give us the feeling that people really appreciate our work. That positive feeling converts into the energy we need to keep doing what we love doing.
Financially speaking, your past support helped us to weather the pandemic, and now as we face more challenges ahead, we need you to stick by our side.
As a thank you for being a long-term supporter, we would like to offer you a {10%} discount if you restart your membership.
{CTA button: Retrieve membership offer}
Your continued support would help to secure the future of {project name}, and strengthen independent media.
If you have any thoughts you want to share with us, please reach out at {creator email}.
When it is not financially viable to restart your membership, we understand. We would be very grateful if you could support us in other ways; for example through likes and recommending us to friends.
{Creator name}
Template 2
Subject: ⏰ There’s still time to get {10% off}
Hello {first name},
If you would like to continue supporting {project name} and help secure the future of independent creativity and journalism, you can restart your membership and get a {10%} discount!
CTA button: Restart membership now
As a member of {project name}, you will get:
{exclusive weekly newsletters}
{invites to members-only events}
{access to the members-only Discord server}
CTA button: Retrieve offer
All the best,
{creator name}
Template 3
Subject:👋 We miss you – so here’s {10%} off a new membership
Dear {first name},
We were sad to see you slip off of our members' list. We hope that we can welcome you back into the {project name} family, with a 10% discount on your new membership.
What do you say?
{CTA button: Retrieve offer}
Thanks a bunch for your ongoing support,
{creator name}
Template 4
Subject: 😍 Don’t miss out on an amazing offer
Hi {first name},
If you restart your membership with {project name}, we will offer you {10% off}.
Your continued support has never been more necessary for securing the future of {project name}. We would love to have you back in our members community!
Please email us at {creators email address} if you have any questions about memberships, or if you have any feedback for us.
CTA button: retrieve membership offer
{creator name}
Social media templates for winning back former members
🙌 Restart your membership and get {10% off} with this limited-time offer: {link to membership plan}
Instagram multi-image post:
Memberships are…
Algorithm repellent
More than about the money
Yes, memberships are cool.
We will give you {10%} off if you restart your membership. Link in bio.
Facebook post:
Members are like our friends… they encourage us to do what we love, support us through the tough times, enrich our ideas, give us stability, and, of course, that warm glowy feeling :)
Thank you.
If you want to restart your membership of {project name} we will give you {10}% off as a thank you for being there!
{link to offer}
Facebook/Instagram post:
A letter to our lapsed members…
Your past support helped us to weather the pandemic, and now as we face more challenges ahead, we need you to stick by our side. As a thank you, we will give you {10% off} when you restart your membership. What do you say? {link to offer}