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This is a public exhibition of free floating and handcrafted memes. A place to compensate the social chatter (Soziales Rauschen).
di Max Ziebell

Scegli il tuo abbonamento

Piano 1 di 3: Supporter
1,50 € mensile

- I'll list you as a supporter (if you want)

Piano 2 di 3: Fan
3 € mensile

- I'll list your name in my sidebar (if you want)

Piano 3 di 3: Super-Fan
5 € mensile

- I'll list your name in my blogpost footer (if you want)

Piano 1 di 3: Supporter
1,50 € mensile

- I'll list you as a supporter (if you want)

Piano 2 di 3: Fan
3 € mensile

- I'll list your name in my sidebar (if you want)

Piano 3 di 3: Super-Fan
5 € mensile

- I'll list your name in my blogpost footer (if you want)

Obiettivo attuale

0% di 10 € al mese raggiunto
Help me keep this site up and running.

This is a public exhibition of free floating and handcrafted memes. A place to compensate the social chatter (Soziales Rauschen) after quitting data hungy, greedy and evil Facebook. Un collage de Idiome, Denkrichtung and Style. Kickminder contains bits and pieces to kickoff thoughts and inspiration. (Si apre in una nuova finestra)