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#30: Die schweigsame Riesenkrake – Google in Zürich

Ein Gespräch mit Lorenz Naegeli und Balz Oertli vom WAV Recherchekollektiv und mehr

WAV Recherchekollektiv (Si apre in una nuova finestra)

Google und die Schweiz – eine Liebes­geschichte (Si apre in una nuova finestra) Wie sich Google in der Schweizer Politik eingenistet hat und auf der Klaviatur des Lobbyings spielt, damit der Konzern bekommt, was der Konzern will. «Do not feed the Google», Folge 8.

Von Reto Naegeli und Balz Oertli

Google im rot-grünen Steuer­paradies (Si apre in una nuova finestra) Wer mit der Bahn in Zürich ankommt, fährt entlang der Europa­allee fast ununter­brochen an Google-Büros vorbei. Was macht die Dominanz des Tech-Giganten mit der Stadt? «Do not feed the Google», Folge 9.

Von Lorenz Naegeli und Balz Oertli

Inside Google Schweiz (Si apre in una nuova finestra) Der Standort Zürich hat grosse Bedeutung für den amerikanischen Big-Tech-Konzern. Doch was genau in der Schweiz entwickelt wird, behalten die Beteiligten lieber für sich. Warum eigentlich? «Do not feed the Google», 10. und letzte Folge.

Von Adrienne Fichter (Si apre in una nuova finestra) und Balz Oertli

The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power (Si apre in una nuova finestra)

The Age of Surveillance Capitalism is a 2019 non-fiction book by Shoshana Zuboff which looks at the development of digital companies like Google and Amazon, and suggests that their business models represent a new form of capitalist accumulation that she calls "surveillance capitalism".

While industrial capitalism exploited and controlled nature with devastating consequences, surveillance capitalism exploits and controls human nature with a totalitarian order as the endpoint of the development.

Von Shoshana Zuboff (Si apre in una nuova finestra)

Masterarbeit von Jonathan Progin Don’t be evil, Google: Effects of Google’s Digital News Initiative on Media Coverage in Switzerland (Si apre in una nuova finestra) Google forms the backbone of the digital economy. Recently, the tech company has been criticized for its market power, especially in the media business. The main controversy revolves around Google’s media funding in the form of payments to publishers. It is suspected that Google could control the production and distribution processes of media. Despite investigations, we still do not understand whether and how Google abuses its influence on media. My thesis aims to address this issue and help investigate the possible effects of Google’s funding on media. I examine an extensive dataset consisting of articles from German-language media in Switzerland. Using a state-of-the-art sentiment analysis, I measure whether Google’s Digital News Initiative payments positively or negatively influence coverage of Google. My results found a positive correlation between positive coverage and the Digital News Initiative funding paid out. My thesis demonstrated for the first time how Google’s potential influence on media might operate.

WSJ: Is Big Tech’s R&D Spending Actually Hurting Innovation in the U.S.? (Si apre in una nuova finestra) Big companies are hiring an ever-larger proportion of America’s inventors, who are less productive once they join

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