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Welcome to Filmmakers Without Cameras!

You might have seen us on Kickstarter already but if not: we're a film and games magazine! We've raised over £5,000 on Kickstarter already, and have published two issues full of writers and illustrators. The aim of FWC is pretty simple: fandom communities tend to be pretty toxic and unwelcoming to anyone who's not white or a man, so we're trying to fight that. 

The magazine is full of varied voices from all walks of life, writers and illustrators who bring in their unique experiences to their work. This is a platform for them. 

While our main focus is the print magazine, we also want to provide something for you to read outside of it. You'll find short-form pieces here, and the money we raise will go towards comissioning writers. If you're already familiar with the magazine and are keen to support it going forwards, this is also the place to do so. 

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