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Thomas L's project

di Thomas L

Scegli il tuo abbonamento

Piano 1 di 3: Plan 1
2,50 € mensile
Piano 2 di 3: Plan 2
5 € mensile
Piano 3 di 3: Plan 3
10 € mensile
Piano 1 di 3: Plan 1
2,50 € mensile
Piano 2 di 3: Plan 2
5 € mensile
Piano 3 di 3: Plan 3
10 € mensile

Obiettivo attuale

0% di 6.000 € al mese raggiunto
This pays for 1 full season (13 weeks) of producing Envision and pays for a little bit of the time spent doing research and developing new episodes.

Our desire is to highlight the innovators and activities in  communities across the country and around the world that could serve as examples and resources for others to replicate.  We look forward to your  feedback and insights.

What is a regenerative community?  A regenerative community is one that cultivates, protects, and enhances  its social, economic and natural systems by openly discussing  diversity, inclusion, environmental and social justice, and equity in  developing and enhancing economic opportunities.  It is a community that  (re)invests in all 6 forms of capital - human, social, cultural,  manufactured or physical, natural, and financial.