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The Bubble, or how to make the best decisions.

Our life is just one never-ending string of choices. So many possible choices. Sometimes it’s big choices, like moving countries. Sometimes, it’s small choices, like deciding on the next meetup topic, or a city to visit, or a feature to build.

Choices are hard. Especially if they need to be made in a time of uncertainty and stress. And especially especially when they are scary and big. But rejoice, dear readers, there is a way to make the absolutely best choice. And it all starts by first finding your way back to perfect contentment.

I call it the Bubble. It’s an incredibly special place. When I’m in the Bubble, I have no needs or desires, I simply am, because that’s the most beautiful thing there is to do. I crave nothing because I am completely content. I miss nothing because every cell of me is drenched in quiet, peaceful joy. I expect nothing because time doesn’t exist, there is no impatiently awaited future, nor any burdensome past. When I can feel the Bubble, it’s as if the denseness of our physical world lifts, the air takes on a rainbow glitteriness, and life explodes from its restrictiveness into a huge space brimming with potential and possibilities.

The Bubble is also the most wholesome place to make decisions from. That project idea I was so excited about just a minute ago? Feels hollow, metallic, and dull. The impact I could have with this promising initiative? Meh. The big amount of money I could make with that interesting job opportunity? Feels shallow and unsatisfying. Those are big decisions, worthy of hours of back and forth, yet seen from within the Bubble, it all only took a minute to figure out.

Ok, but how about the yes’s?

If I place the Authenticity Economy project into the bubble, it fits. It naturally exists, and floats along. That’s the best way I can describe the feeling. And I can play around with the writing topics or target customer groups, so as to make it all even more aligned with the Bubble, with my inherent happiness. More aligned in my case = make it more rainbow glittery. Super intuitive, fast, easy.

How about the future, things I’m not doing yet? Here’s where it all gets a bit abstract and strange. For example, I can feel a project, yes “it”, entering my Bubble, breathing a sigh of relief for finally being in not-so-dense air, then asking me for help with its clumsy human implementors who are holding back its full potential and flourishing 🤷🏼‍♀️😂. I also know these humans are men/carry predominantly male energy, lol. But I don’t know if American or European or startup or policy. But that’s ok. Even if this yes-information is non-actionable today, I am pretty sure I’ll recognize this wonderful but exasperated project whenever it crosses my path ;). Pretty powerful, eh?

So today, I invite you to grab a warm beverage, find a cozy quiet spot, and think back to a time when you experienced your own version of the Bubble. It might take a while. The busier you are, the longer it takes to reconnect to this un-busy, un-desiring, completely content part of yourself. And maybe today’s not the day. Maybe  you have to come back tomorrow, and the day after that, and the day after that one too.  But when you find it, that special moment, when it becomes easier to breath, when calm, flowy potential pleasantly saturates the air, and time and desire stop, then look at your choices and questions. As you bathe in natural contentment, think of that next event you’re planning, the next feature you’re intending to build, the next career move you’ve been pondering, the way forward in a situation of conflict, all of it. The answers will come to you, joyously, within the blink of an eye. And you’ll know, deep down, that they’ll be the right ones. Happy Bubble time!


From Daily Shot of Insight, Sept 20, 2021

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