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Some help to start some private projects.

Start a new life
di christian

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Piano 1 di 3: Finance the server for hosting
49,99 € mensile
Piano 2 di 3: Finance material for building
50 € mensile
Piano 3 di 3: Need coffee and something to eat
100 € mensile
Piano 1 di 3: Finance the server for hosting
49,99 € mensile
Piano 2 di 3: Finance material for building
50 € mensile
Piano 3 di 3: Need coffee and something to eat
100 € mensile

Obiettivo attuale

0% di 500 € al mese raggiunto


i am christian and i want to start some private projects.

Some of these projects are to help a friend to learn more about physics and it.

Other projects are for start a youtube channel. So for this we need some equipment.

We hope that we get enough money to buy all what we need.

We hope that you can spend us your help.