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Will 2023 be a better year?

Dear reader,

This is our weekly round-up from Greece and the last one for 2022.

As we say goodbye to 2022, we sadly have to report that children’s health in Greece could be at risk. Gravely understaffed and underfunded, children’s hospitals are collapsing, with the little ones having to wait for up to 8 hours only to be examined or be put on a very long waiting list if they have to undertake an operation. There is also a shortage of children’s (and other) medicine. But, ho ho ho, ministers distribute sponsor’s presents to children in hospitals.

Greece has by far the highest electricity price in Europe. Why is that? For sure, because of a rigged market and corrupt policies, as we explain.

2022 was also marked in the country by two massive scandals - the ‘Greek Watergate’ and the Qatar Gate. Developments for these two seem non-stop.

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