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Unlock Your Energy with Kettlebell Workouts: Mastering "Auto-Regulation" in Kettlebell Training (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

Most of the time, we need to keep our RPE between a 7 and 8, maybe 8.5.

Usually, the higher your INTENSITY, the higher your EFFORT - by default.

And the larger the demand for recovery from your body.

Using RPEs is my favorite way to use “autoregulation” - the daily management of output based upon daily energy levels and psychological state.

On some days, you can push hard cause you feel good, and everything feels easy.

On other days, you feel like garbage and everything is a grind.

It doesn’t matter because this creates a “waviness” to the loading - ups and downs - which, back in the 1970s, Soviet researchers Vorobyev and Ermakov, discovered produced greater strength gains than traditional loading.

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