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LEVEL 4: Double Kettlebell - Swing, Clean, Squat, Military Press, Snatch, Push Press, Jerk (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

LEVEL 4: Double Kettlebell - Swing, Clean, Squat, Military Press, Snatch, Push Press, Jerk, and assistance exercises

Level 4 demands focus and produces exponential change in physical capability.

It builds on the skills you acquired in Levels 1 & 2.

And unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on your vantage point, exposes whether you truly learned those skills or not.

And that’s because double kettlebell work has less “wiggle room” - less “degrees of freedom” to accommodate any of your “movement issues” - old injuries, stiffness, lack of mobility - that sort of thing.

Unfortunately, this also means if you don’t get your technique dialed and fix your issues, you increase your chances of getting hurt.

Learn More on My Following YouTube Channel: (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)
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