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3 options to get rid of the stomach bulge under your t-shirt using kettlebells (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

I was recently told by a Millennial that he “didn’t give a sh*t” how much he could military press…

He just wanted to “look like he worked out.”

And just yesterday I got an email from a customer who was appreciative of getting a stronger, more muscular upper body, but…

He’s embarrassed by the stomach bulge under his t-shirt.

And even though I’ve always been fascinated with strength, I get it.

I want to be strong and muscular, but…

I also don’t want to have a belly.

I don’t know about you, but I think at the end of the day, there’s a point of diminishing returns if you still have nothing “to show” for all your hard work.

So, since we’re all different…

Different backgrounds…

Different strengths and weaknesses and injury histories…

Different kettlebell skill levels and access to KBs…

And even different motivation levels…

I thought I’d give you 3 different options so you could pick the best choice for you to get rid of the “stomach bulge” if you wanted to.


Expectation: 10-20 pounds in a 30 day period.

Your sole focus here is to get the fat off and you understand that it will require adopting a near-borderline obsession. Hard work doesn’t scare you one bit.

You understand the “only easy day was yesterday” and are willing to “do what it takes.”

You’re good with reorganizing aspects of your life - food, training, recovery -

To strip off fat as fast as possible.

You’re willing to embrace “best practices” like:

[+] Training near daily

[+] Changing and measuring your food consumption

[+] Eliminating detrimental habits, like excessive alcohol

[+] Implement recovery practices

Program Recommendations:

Kettlebell Burn EXTREME! (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

29 days long

6 days a week

20-25 minutes per session

Rapid fat loss nutrition plan included

Recovery plan included


Expectation: 1.5 to 2 pounds per week

You’re a hard worker and want to get the fat off, but you’re not willing to go “all in” like you’d have to with the “RAPID” version.

You understand you’ll need to be [more] consistent and/or focused with your training.

You understand you should make better food choices - watch what you eat, and cut back on junk food.

How many changes you’re willing to make and your consistency determines how “fast” is fast for you.

[+] Train 3-5 days a week

[+] Eat “clean” and be aware of portion size

[+] Eliminating detrimental habits, like excessive alcohol

[+] Optional: Implement recovery practices

Program Recommendations:

Kettlebell Burn 2.0 (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

16-week Strength & Conditioning Program (4x 4-week phases)

3 days a week

45 minute sessions

Customizable nutrition program

Single KB exercises: Turkish Get Up, Clean + Press, Get Up Sit Up, Row, Goblet Squat, Front Squat, Swing, Snatch

Kettlebell Burn: RELOADED (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

16-week Strength & Conditioning Program (4x 4-week phases)

6 days a week

10-30 minute sessions

Customizable nutrition program

Single KB exercises: Turkish Get Up, Clean + Press, Get Up Sit Up, Row, Goblet Squat, Front Squat, Swing, Snatch

Kettlebell HARD! (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

Double kettlebell complexes and chains

35+ programs (varying length: 6-12 weeks)

3 days a week

10-30 minute sessions

Double KB exercises: Swing, Front Squat, Press, Push Press, Jerk, Snatch, Renegade Row, High Pull

Kettlebell MAXIMORUM (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

12-week Strength & Conditioning Program (2x 6-week phases)

4 days a week

20-30 minute training sessions

Double Clean + Press, Double Front Squat, Snatch

3 Nutrition Programs

Specialized Warm up / Cool Down included

Restoration protocols included


Expectation: 2 to 5 pounds per month.

You’re a hard worker and want to get the fat off, but you’re not really willing to change anything about your nutrition.

You just want to train / workout and that’s it.

[+] Train 3-5 days a week

[+] Don’t eat like a condemned man at his last meal

Program Recommendations:

‘THE GIANT’ (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

5x Strength & Conditioning Programs

4 weeks each

3 days a week

20-30 minute training sessions

Clean + Press

‘THE GIANT X’ - Minimalist Variety (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

3x Strength & Conditioning Programs

8 weeks each

3 days a week

20-30 minute training sessions

Clean + Press, Clean + Push Press, See-Saw Press

The King-Sized Killer (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

3x Strength & Conditioning Programs

9 weeks each

3 days a week

20 minute training sessions


Kettlebell GHFL (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

GOAL: Get rid of stomach fat

12-week program

3 days a week

3 program choices: Novice, Intermediate, Advanced

20 minutes a day

Any one of those plans will work for you, based upon your expectation and output levels.

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