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Military Press ½ your bodyweight on each arm (S'ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre)

Think about how your body and your abilities would change if you could check off the following boxes:

✅ Turkish Get Up with ½ your bodyweight - for multiple sets

✅ 1-Hand Swings with ½ your bodyweight for 10 sets of 10 reps in one training session

✅ Snatching ⅓ of your bodyweight for 10 sets of 10 reps (26-33% of bodyweight is the “power” zone)

✅ Military Press ½ your bodyweight on each arm

✅ Clean + Press ⅓ your bodyweight on each arm for up to 100 reps in a training session

✅ Clean + Push Press ½ your bodyweight on each arm for up to 100 reps in a training session

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