Fireside Chat with Ervin Laszlo - last day to register

Your Time Zone: 8am PT (San Diego) | 11am ET (Boston) | 8:30pm IST (Delhi)
If you have not yet registered for our Fireside Chat with Ervin Laszlo, the good news it that it is not too late to do so!
Ervin Laszlo is the twice Nobel Peace Prize nominated writer, philosopher, humanitarian and systems theorist and co-founder of the Upshift Movement.

This unique opportunity to ask your questions to Ervin, through World Upshift co-founder Roger Casale, is being offered to our Hummingbird Members.
To join as a Hummingbird Member, click on this link: Join today (Opens in a new window)
All Hummingbird Members will be sent the Zoom Link for the Fireside Chat - if you have not yet received it, please email: (Opens in a new window)
The World Upshift Movement was founded to hold the space for people to unite from around the world and work together for change from the heart.
Our mission is to catalyse an upshift in humanity.
As a Hummingbird Member we will invite you to special events, give you access to the members’ area of our website, provide networking opportunities to meet with other partners for change and pass on discounts on products and services offered by our sister organisations which may be of interest.
Your membership also helps us meet the day-to-day costs of servicing the World Upshift Movement and it is greatly appreciated.
Hurry now to sign up as a Hummingbird Member at our introductory offer of £6 per calendar month. Membership rises to £8 pcm from January.
To join as a Hummingbird member, click on this link: Join today (Opens in a new window)