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Tolkien Society Awards - I have been nominated!

At the time of writing I am working on the next Roving Ranger, an update to (Opens in a new window), three posts are scheduled for you lovely people here on Patreon - and I have just received the news that my blog and the newsletter I am trying to do as regularly as possible have been nominated for this year's Tolkien Society Awards (Opens in a new window) in the category Best Online Content (Opens in a new window).

I cannot even begin explaining to you how much this means to me, how much of a needed boost this is for me. I am literally crying while typing these lines and I am very, very happy at the same time. It is thanks to wonderful people like you that this has become possible, so...

Thank you.  🥰🥰🥰

Picture credits: Screenshot of the Tolkien Society (Opens in a new window) website; illustration by Ted Nasmith, last year's winner for Best Art.

Update The winner to the Best Online Content category this year, like last year, is the Prancing Pony Podcast (Opens in a new window).

This post was originally published (Opens in a new window) on April 6, 2022.

Topic The Patreon Archives


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