10 most listened to podcast episodes of 2022 The little podcast that could! The Shift with Sam Baker passed 1.5million (!) downloads this year. All thanks to you. Here are the episodes that topped the list The little podcast that could! The Shift with Sam Baker passed 1.5million (!) downloads this year. All thanks to you. Here are the episodes that topped the list
It's World Menopause Day Now that's a sentence I didn't think I'd write three years ago, when publishers told me they didn't know who would buy a book about menopause! Erm... Now that's a sentence I didn't think I'd write three years ago, when publishers told me they didn't know who would buy a book about menopause! Erm...
Long read: Abi Morgan UNCUT "When he woke up, I was like 'great, he's back' and actually the shock of seeing somebody look at you and not know you…" "When he woke up, I was like 'great, he's back' and actually the shock of seeing somebody look at you and not know you…"
LISTEN: Menopause, misogyny and the HRT lottery A full and frank conversation about the good, the bad and the total BS of menopause recorded at the Edinburgh Wellbeing Festival A full and frank conversation about the good, the bad and the total BS of menopause recorded at the Edinburgh Wellbeing Festival