Quellen SiZ Folge 10
Hier die Links zu Organisationen aus Folge 10:
https://www.dgb.de/mitmachen/mitglied-werden/ (Opens in a new window)https://www.attac.de/ (Opens in a new window)https://www.lobbycontrol.de/ (Opens in a new window)https://www.campact.de/ueber-campact/der-verein/ (Opens in a new window)https://www.amnesty.de/ (Opens in a new window)https://www.amadeu-antonio-stiftung.de/themen/ (Opens in a new window)https://www.keinbockaufnazis.de/ (Opens in a new window)https://www.proasyl.de/ (Opens in a new window)https://correctiv.org/unterstuetzen/?utm_source=website&utm_medium=menu-button&utm_term=240109 (Opens in a new window)https://vvn-bda.de/mitglied-werden-2/ (Opens in a new window)https://www.germanwatch.org/de/mitmachen (Opens in a new window)https://www.duh.de/ (Opens in a new window)https://togetherforfuture.org/ (Opens in a new window)https://www.finanzwende.de/ (Opens in a new window)https://www.icij.org/?form=donate (Opens in a new window)https://www.oxfam.de/spenden?utm_wec=11495&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwuMC2BhA7EiwAmJKRrCyJpZ_AJGn2cuOhklZ0pHtaKdMpyecPQHqZNd4n1OxXDfs2KLkNdRoCnCwQAvD_BwE (Opens in a new window)
September 8, 2024
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