Let's Make Beautiful Music
Hey there, beloved High Five Club members and prospective members,
It's your friends at the Reykjavík Grapevine with some fresh content to feast your eyes upon.
First things first, the brand new issue of the Grapevine — the first of 2023! — is hot off the printing presses and available to pick up from news stands, storefronts and hotel lobbies across the country. Our cover model is Neonme (a.k.a. Salka Valsdóttir of Reykjavíkurdætur fame), on the occasion of winning the One to Watch award in our 2023 Reykjavík Grapevine Music Awards.

Read Josie Gaitens' full Music Awards coverage here (Opens in a new window) and check out the entire gorgeous issue right here (Opens in a new window).
For all our local supporters and those visiting Reykjavík this month, the Grapevine cordially invites you to our 2023 Reykjavík Grapevine Music Awards Ceremony happening Jan. 20 at Loft Hostel.
The party starts at 20:00 — be there or be square. Or be whatever shape you'd like. We'll still love you.
That's it from us this week. Drop us a line any time at grapevine [at] grapevine.is.
<3 Team Grapevine
If you were a member of our High Five Club, this post would have included a link for VIP access to our 2023 Music Awards Ceremony, a curated Music Awards Mixtape, discount codes for the Grapevine store and more. Want all that?