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Ice Spice’s Fav Artist and Trans Femmes’ Love Affair with Goth Aesthetics

Hey dolls,

It’s Thursday, which means it’s time for a Dollhouse roundup. This week we’ve got interviews with 3D illustrator Poi & Keely and author Sophia Giovannitti, as well as doomscrolling-themed creative non-fiction and the latest dispatch from the most cursed corner of TikTok…

Poi and Keely is the 3D Illustrator Your Fav Musician Is Obsessed With (Opens in a new window)

Polyester Deputy Editor Gina Tonic meets Poi and Keely, the 3D illustrator behind some of Ice Spice and Rosalia’s best visuals.

On Goth’s Love Affair With Trans Femmes (Opens in a new window)

Cyrana Martin writes about how the goth aesthetic makes a natural choice for many trans femmes.

Sophia Giovannitti Is Shifting How We See Art and Sex Work (Opens in a new window)

Artist and author Sophia Giovannitti sits down with Jemima Skala to discuss the similarities between art and sex work, which she details in her book Working Girl: On Selling Art and Selling Sex.

How TikTok’s “Types of Pretty” Have Their Roots in Eugenics (Opens in a new window)

Tola Folarin-Coker delves into the corner of TikTok defined by ‘canthal tilt’ filters and explores the ways in which the platform’s beauty standards are “arguably a version of watered-down entry-level eugenics”.

“Dozing” Is the Creative Non-Fiction Considering the Pitfalls of Doomscrolling Before Bed (Opens in a new window)

In this piece, Nora O’Dea vividly narrates the unique way we scroll online before we sleep.

The (Bad) Taste Test: ‘If Books Could Kill’ and the Lure of Big Ideas (Opens in a new window)

In this month’s Bad Taste Test column, Sam Moore considers books that offer all the answers and the podcast that usefully debunks them.

See ya next week!


The Polyester Team <3


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