Hello hello hello to our lovely supporters <3
Welcome to our #15th No-Nonsense Newsletter. The newsletter where we give you all of our team recommendations. Here's what we are vibing with this month x
💋 Lets get into it! 💋

FILM: I watched the Barbarian a couple of weeks ago and it’s so FUN. I watched X in the same week and they definitely play on similar themes. I’ve seen criticism that both just assert womens biggest fear is ageing but I feel like they confront rather than co-sign that statement. Which is surely what horror is all about!! Also there’s so many twists you’ll literally never guess.
BOOK: The List by Yomi Adegoke. Sorry I got this as a proof so it’s not out until July, but if you’re going to preorder anything make it this book. Juicy fiction that draws on online drama, accountability, ‘cancel culture’ and commodified feminism. You’ll linger on the ending for WEEKS.
FASHION: Me and Gina both just our first orders from Fashion Brand Company (not a spon) and it’s changed my life. Sizes run up to a 5/6XL and the fits are honestly gorgeous plus they’re ethical. Definitely worth the long shipping time if you’re in the UK

FILM: Triangle of Sadness. PLEASE PLEASE go into this film blind, I had no idea what was going to happen and oh my god was I in for a treat. I haven't felt shocked by a movie in ages and thought this was such a good, crazy, satirical romp.
BOOK: Mythologies by Roland Barthes. Lmao so pretentious but picked this up in a charity shop the other day because I loved A Lover's Discourse which I got into from reading Jeffrey Eugenides' The Marriage Plot. So convoluted!! But it's all short essays from his time as a journalist and some of them are so funny, talking about how Roman's in movies always have curly fringes and how wrestling is the closest we have to ancient theatre. It's nice to read essays that aren't written by desperate millennials for once.*
*I'm allowed to say this coz it's been my whole career.
OBJECT: Slow Cooker. Random one but we got our slow cooker out after years of just carting it around between flats after my grandma died and it's actually incredible? Just bung everything in and at the end you have a delicious slow cooked meal? I made a chicken, bacon and leek casserole in it yesterday and it slapped! Never had softer juicier chicken in my life. Loads of recipes for it on TikTok too which is always helpful.

FILM: Miracle Mile. I rewatched this last night because for some reason watching anxiety inducing things reduces my anxiety. The film is so 80’s but the looming fear of an apocalyptic scenario is always here. The scenario of finally meeting your dream partner and then you’re faced with the end of humanity within the same week is really relatable.
FASHION: Vintage Kilo Sales.I went to my first one last week at Manchester Cathedral and thoroughly enjoyed myself. I only got one thing but I did show up at 2pm, and I assume the hardcore depop resellers get there for 8.40am sharp, but nevertheless I will be attending every one in the future and getting all my clothes that way from now on.
GAMES: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Sorry, but every night for the past few months I have cozied up and cracked on playing Skyrim. It is the most relaxing activity, even if it involves a lot of fighting. The soundtrack by Jeremy Soule soothes the soul and I now have dreams that I’m living amongst elves and trolls.

FILM: I also second Triangle of Sadness and M3GAN. cinema has never been better, both films are a fuckin riot! also if you want something mindless to watch on a weekday evening Bank of Dave is on netflix and it's really sweet. British romcom vibes, very sweet and a little cheesy but it's a true story about a man from Burnley who set up a community bank to help poor, working class people in his hometown and he gets into a legal battle with the mean bankers in London because they won't let him open it as a proper bank. It's a big fuck you to the elite and a cute depiction of the north of England. Also my friends band The Goa Express are in it hehehe, it's just a lovely wholesome watch.
BOOK: Animal by Lisa Taddeo. I'm only halfway through but it's such a compelling read. If you like books about evil women, trauma, plotting revenge, hating everyone and lots of juicy descriptions of food and sex, lots of martinis and steaks and fingering, then it's the book for you.

FILM: I watched Sucker Punch for the first time since it’s release when I was in art school, and it was very fun. Kinda plays into all the worst tropes of women in action films, infantilised sex objects held in an asylum and pimped out by a corrupt patriarchal institution, all with a dark sepia filter and Zack Snyder slow motion sequences, but it is a good time. Great soundtrack including Björk and Skunk Anansie though, and Oscar Isaacs looks insanely hot in the weird credits vaudeville number.
BOOK: Wayne Kostenbaum’s Cleavage: Essays on Sex, Stars and Aesthetics. Very fun, full of acidic asides, astute observations and witty epithets. Very excited to move on to his other book on female opera stars and their connection to homosexual mystery.
MUSIC: Recently rediscovered a band I used to love; The’s, a 1990s Japanese band of hot chicks pastiching 60s surf rock, who were featured in Tarantino’s perfectly curated Kill Bill. Their compilation album of their early singles Bomb The Rocks is a great place to start.

TV: welcome to chippendales, it’s a true crime drama on Disney+ based on the real story of how the Chippendales male strip clubs chain began. There’s loads of fab 80s cocaine-fuelled horny party scenes to take the edge off slightly
MUSIC: Úna Blue has made a stunning 6 hour playlist titled “crying at the rave” which is fun if you’re neither hyped nor sad but a secret third thing
OTHER: putting my heating on as a little treat
C ya soooon 🥰
Charlotte ❤️