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Neprofitni medij portal-ostro.hr izdaja Oštro, Centar za istraživačko novinarstvo u jadranskoj regiji.
by uredništvo
Sirocco Correspondent
Plan 1 out of 1: Sirocco Correspondent
5 €
/ month
5 € per month
60 € billed annually - Save 17%
• newsletter
• receiving the stories in advance
• opportunity to participate in investigative work
• socializing and talking about pressing social topics
• a gift during a promotional campaign
Sirocco Correspondent
Plan 1 out of 1: Sirocco Correspondent
5 €
/ month
5 € per month
60 € billed annually - Save 17%
• newsletter
• receiving the stories in advance
• opportunity to participate in investigative work
• socializing and talking about pressing social topics
• a gift during a promotional campaign
Sirocco Correspondent
Plan 1 out of 1: Sirocco Correspondent
6 €
/ month
6 € per month
• newsletter
• receiving the stories in advance
• opportunity to participate in investigative work
• socializing and talking about pressing social topics
• a gift during a promotional campaign
Sirocco Correspondent
Plan 1 out of 1: Sirocco Correspondent
6 €
/ month
6 € per month
• newsletter
• receiving the stories in advance
• opportunity to participate in investigative work
• socializing and talking about pressing social topics
• a gift during a promotional campaign