Emily Wilding Davison fires up EU citizens’ #GOTV campaign
Our Get Out the Vote Campaign to mobilise EU citizens’ vote in local, mayoral and regional elections gains traction following successful launch in London

Actor, writer and campaigner, Kate Willoughby launches New Europeans’ Get Out the Vote Campaign for EU citizens, in the role of suffragette Emily Davison
International Women’s Day, 8 March 2024 | Click here or on image to watch video (Opens in a new window)
This year’s local, mayoral and regional elections could be the last time all EU Citizens in the UK have the right to vote.
For those of us who fought the “denied my vote” campaign for a public inquiry following the mass exclusion of EU citizens in the UK from the European elections in 2019, this has a sense of deja vu about it.
Our team is working to make sure EU citizens are aware that they still have the right to vote and encourage them to do so.
New Europeans UK launch Get Out the Vote Campaign for EU Citizens (Opens in a new window)
This weekend Kate Willoughby and Else Kvist, Head of Campaigns with New Europeans UK, will be at the Liberal Democrat Spring Conference in York, urging MPs and activists there to remind EU citizens to vote.
We will be taking the same message to all the political parties at a meeting of the All-Party Parliamentary Group at Westminster next week.
Your help makes all the difference to the success of our campaign.
£20 means we can contact one more MP
£50 means we can reach out to two Electoral Registration Officers
£100 means 1,000 more leaflets in the hands of community groups
£250 means we can translate these leaflets into different languages
Please give what you can to support this campaign.
No EU citizens should lose their voice at the ballot box.