Community Conversation: Citizen Led Policy Change
Thursday January 27 | 16h – 17.30h CET | Hosted in zoom

European Cultural Foundation, ACES (Opens in a new window)/ARTES (Opens in a new window) and New Europeans (Opens in a new window) invite you to the first in a series of online Community Conversations in the run up to Europe Day 2022. There will be four conversations of one-and-a-half hours each: January 27, February 17, March 17 and April 21.
Citizen Led Policy Change, 27 January
All across Europe citizens are organising themselves beyond activism. No longer do citizens await policies, they are actively involved in co-shaping them. From local levels, to pan-European levels as we see with the Conference on the Future of Europe. But citizens are no policy makers, even though the lines are blurry sometimes. What are lessons learned, what seem promising horizons?
Jamal Shahin (Opens in a new window), University of Amsterdam
Roger Casale (Opens in a new window), New Europeans
To register for this event | Click here (Opens in a new window)
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