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My talks on YouTube

Did I mention that I’m very pleased with my latest talk, the Second Annual Tolkien Lecture at the University of Birmingham? It’s prompted me to gather a YouTube playlist (Opens in a new window) of all my talks, interviews and panel discussions that have been uploaded by my various hosts over the years.

There are a couple of notable exceptions: two short films made by Elliander Pictures for King Edward’s School, Birmingham, based on my research and featuring me extensively as a talking head. I heartily recommend them. Tolkien’s Great War (Opens in a new window) comes as close to an adaptation of my book Tolkien and the Great War as anything so far committed to film. Robert Gilson: Memoirs of an Infantry Officer (Opens in a new window) is an intensely moving account based on the letters of Tolkien’s dear T.C.B.S. friend.

Thanks again for all your support. It’s enabled me to spend several afternoons at the Bodleian Library examining Tolkien’s academic papers for material relevant to my longstanding Tolkien’s Mirror project.

If you’d like to help further, feel free to tell a friend how they can support me too. I’ve now added gift and trial subscriptions.

John Garth
Topic Appearances

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