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What's happening in Nigeria. End SARS UK: Black lives matter everywhere. That's why the world should support the #EndSARS movement: The feminist coalition is a group of young Nigerian feminists with a mission to champion equality for women in Nigerian society: Just 30% of Black entrepreneurs say they met their financial aims and only half (49%) met their non-financial aims. This compares unfavorably to White business owners, where more than half (54%) say they met financial aims and 69% met non-financial aims. Business owners with an income of £75,000 or more were most likely to report profit last year compared to those on an average annual income of less than £20,000 (87% versus 76% respectively). More than a third (37%) of Black female business owners and 36% of female business owners from Asian and Other Ethnic Minority backgrounds report making no profit last year, compared to 15% of White female business owners. 91% of surveyed Black women tech founders have other jobs given the lack of funding to support themselves solely through their ventures 70% of Black women tech founders are solo founders 37% of black women tech founders are building business in some of the fastest-growing industries for startups that account for 5 trillion in global market values