Macher*innen Event 2023: Beyond Boundaries: Transforming Personal and Structural Challenges

It's that time again - we cordially invite you to the Macher*innen Event 2023 on Tuesday, October 10, 2023, 3:30 - 5:30 pm. The theme of this year’s event is "Beyond Boundaries: Transforming Personal and Structural Challenges". We are happy to announce that three inspiring speakers have accepted our invitation to the event and will give us an insight into their careers. In the next few days, we'll tell you more about the exciting personalities we'll be welcoming at this year's Macher*innen Event... so stay tuned!
This year, we ask them and you: What personal but also structural hurdles have you experienced so far in your professional and personal career and how can they be dealt with?
You don't want to miss this? Then simply register for the event free of charge via Zoom: (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)
You will receive the Zoom link by e-mail directly after registration - and also a reminder shortly before the event :-) Please note that the event will be held in English.
This year’s Macher*innen Event is also being kindly supported by the Metropolregion Rhein-Neckar and we thank them for their continued support and collaboration.
#macher*innen #wumanetzwerk #feministnetwork #feministinbusinessandscience #feministnetworkevent #wumanDACH #personalandstructuralchallenges