What You Should Know (HHCP)
HHCP (Öffnet in neuem Fenster) is creating waves in the cannabis community, particularly in North America, where HHCP vape cartridges and flower are being sold as a legal alternative to THC. Continue reading to find out what little we know about this unique cannabinoid, including its legality, safety, effects, and more.

Have you heard of hexahydrocannabinol, or HHCP? This semi-synthetic cannabinoid is generating headlines throughout the world as a "clean," safe, and, most importantly, legal method to experience a THC-like high. But what exactly is HHCP, how is it made, and how does it function in the body? This page examines the HHCP cannabinoid in depth, including its biosynthesis, pharmacology, and safety.
HHCP is a cannabinoid that is causing consternation in the cannabis community. Like -8-THC, the majority of the buzz around HHCP stems from its resemblance to -9-THC. HHCP, on the other hand, has a more convoluted legal status than "conventional" THC. While it is similar to its natural counterpart, hexahydrocannabinol is a distinct chemical with its own molecular structure and properties.
According to many sources, hexahydrocannabinol is a "semi-synthetic cannabinoid." This is because, while HHCP has been identified in minute levels in the cannabis plant, it is usually synthesised from THC. HHCP was discovered in a laboratory rather than in cannabis.
HHCP was first synthesised in the 1940s by American chemist Roger Adams. From 1926 to 1954, Adams was the head of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Illinois, and he was a significant cannabis researcher at the time. In fact, Adams was allowed permission to continue researching cannabis even after it became federally illegal under the 1937 US Marijuana Tax Act.
During his time at the University of Illinois, Adams and the 250+ PhD students he taught conducted over 20 distinct cannabis research. Adams and his students identified and/or synthesised various cannabis chemicals, including CBD, THC, and HHCP, and documented the unique interactions between these and other plant components. Adams is also credited with developing the Adams Scale for determining cannabis strength and discovering the Adams Catalyst (or platinum dioxide), which is used as a hydrogenation catalyst.
While HHCP has been discovered in the cannabis plant, the amounts are extremely low. As a result, it is most typically synthesised in laboratories from THC. HHCP and THC are similar in many respects, but a few significant characteristics distinguish the two substances.
To begin with, HHCP Distillate (Öffnet in neuem Fenster) and THC have distinct chemical structures. Whereas -8 THC has a double bonding at the eighth carbon atom in the core ring, -9 THC has this bonding at the ninth carbon atom—HHCP simply lacks those double bonds. Because of these slight variations, HHCP is a significantly more stable molecule than THC, resulting in a longer shelf life (THC naturally degrades quickly into CBN when exposed to heat and light).
Another significant distinction between HHCP Distillate and THC is that, although the latter is typically derived from recreational/medical cannabis, the majority of HHCP now on the market is made from hemp, allowing manufacturers and retailers to avoid some of the rules governing THC.
Unfortunately, little is known about how HHCP works in the body. However, its euphoric effects and similar chemical composition to THC suggest that it likely interacts to cannabinoid receptors CB1 and CB2. More research is needed, however, to confirm the exact mechanism(s) of action of HHCP.
HHCP is said to have effects similar to THC, although less powerful. Some call it intellectual and "heady," while others call it uplifting, slightly euphoric, clear-headed, and energetic. HHCP appears to have higher stimulating effects than -8 THC.
HHCP exhibits some modest parallels with analgesics like morphine, according to studies from 1977 (Bloom et al.), but more research to build on these findings has yet to be undertaken.
Remember that the effects of HHCP, like those of other cannabinoids, are subjective and may vary based on your body chemistry, tolerance to cannabinoids, set and setting, and the quality and quantity of the HHCP product you're using.
HHCP is a significantly more stable molecule than THC, resulting in a longer shelf life (THC naturally degrades quickly into CBN when exposed to heat and light).
Another significant distinction between HHCP Distillate and THC is that, although the latter is typically derived from recreational/medical cannabis, the majority of HHCP now on the market is made from hemp, allowing manufacturers and retailers to avoid some of the rules governing THC.
HHCP, like other THC variations like -8 and -10, is frequently promoted as a legal way to get high. However, the legal status of all of these cannabis equivalents is complex and varies by area.
HHCP is permitted in the United States under the 2018 Farm Bill, which enables hemp and hemp products to contain trace amounts of THC. This law allows HHCP Distillate to be derived from THC in hemp and shipped/sold throughout all 50 states. However, it is unclear whether HHCP is legal in Europe, the United Kingdom, and other parts of the world.
As is typically the case with the cannabis industry, several international governments are playing catch-up and have yet to clear their position on HHCP Distillate. We recommend contacting your local authorities for detailed information on whether or not HHCP is legal in your area if you are interested in purchasing HHCP items and having them sent to your country.
Again, due to a paucity of research into HHCP, it is unclear whether eating the cannabinoid may influence drug test results. In theory, drug tests look for THC metabolites, specifically 11-OH-THC and THC-COOH. Because HHCP differs from THC, one may presume it will not be metabolised into either of the aforementioned molecules, but we don't know for certain. As a result, we recommend abstaining from HHCP for at least four weeks before a drug test to avoid a positive test result.
As is typically the case with the cannabis industry, several international governments are playing catch-up and have yet to clear their position on HHCP Distillate. We recommend contacting your local authorities for detailed information on whether or not HHCP is legal in your area if you are interested in purchasing HHCP items and having them sent to your country.
There have been no investigations on HHCP's short or long-term impacts. The majority of what we know about this chemical comes from user complaints and HHCP manufacturer claims. As a result, while there have been no known occurrences of HHCP Distillate causing major safety issues, it is far too early to assess the compound's overall safety profile.
If you want to try HHCP products, make sure you complete your research first. Check to see if purchasing and/or using HHCP Distillate is legal, and research the manufacturers you wish to buy from to guarantee their products are of the best quality. Some HHCP Distillate providers provide third-party test results to help you better understand the composition of their services.
Despite the fact that so much is unknown, the aim is that as we learn more about HHCP, it will make cannabis products more available to people in different parts of the world. For the time being, all we can do is stay up with fresh advancements.