Welcome my beautiful Rebels to a new powerful Podcast Episode! Short excitement sharing wegen dem anstehenden kraftvollen Feminine Workshop für euch. Sooooooo ready for that! It will be YOUR divine Feminine Woman Hubspot and Safe Space for divine healing and going with your sacred juicy body through life. Unbedingt vor-registrieren für die 33% The Change Tribe Discount den ihr dann bekommt! It will be magical and juicy, trust me.
Pluuuus in this Episode we are talking about: Are you willing to let go? Your capacity to let go is the capacity to receive. How willing and ready are you, to let go? In courage, trust and wildness? In dieser Episode sprechen wir darüber warum LOSLASSEN genauso wichtig ist wie EMPFANGEN. Sei es beim Thema Geld und Finanzen, Beruf und Vision, Ortschaft und Wohnraum, Partnerschaft und die richtigen Verbindungen.
It’s not only about receiving more.. Wanting more.. Money. Aligned energies. Places or people. It’s so much more about the art and attitude of letting go. Are you brave and wild enough? Let’s talk about it
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