Die Laufzeit einer Geschenkmitgliedschaft beginnt an dem Tag, an dem du sie kaufst. Sofort nach dem Kauf erhält der/die Beschenkte eine Benachrichtigung per E-Mail. Darin enthalten sind Infos zur Mitgliedschaft und wie der Zugriff darauf funktioniert.

Tu jemandem was Gutes: Verschenke eine Mitgliedschaft
Durch den Kauf einer Geschenk-Mitgliedschaft unterstützt du unabhängige Medien.
Wähle ein Paket aus, das du verschenken möchtest.
🎁 Wähle dein Geschenk
Paket 1 von 3: Classic
Einmalige Zahlung
£36 Einmalige Zahlung
Simple. Timeless. Iconic. Classic members are perfect just the way they are.
All members get:
- to help keep Skin Deep going!
- our lovingly curated monthly newsletter, written by a member of the team and featuring exclusive nuggets of goodness from our favourite collaborators
- priority booking and other sweet deals on selected events
- our beloved annual print magazine delivered to your door
Paket 2 von 3: Extra
Einmalige Zahlung
£66 Einmalige Zahlung
A little bit Extra, but in the best possible way. If the recipe says three cloves of garlic, you're adding six.
All members get:
- to help keep Skin Deep going!
- our lovingly curated monthly newsletter, written by a member of the team and featuring exclusive nuggets of goodness from our favourite collaborators
- priority booking and other sweet deals on selected events
- our beloved annual print magazine delivered to your door
The Most
Paket 3 von 3: The Most
Einmalige Zahlung
£132 Einmalige Zahlung
Maximalist. Over the top. But in the words of Luther Vandross never too much.
All members get:
- to help keep Skin Deep going!
- our lovingly curated monthly newsletter, written by a member of the team and featuring exclusive nuggets of goodness from our favourite collaborators
- priority booking and other sweet deals on selected events
- our beloved annual print magazine delivered to your door
Paket 1 von 3: Classic
Einmalige Zahlung
£36 Einmalige Zahlung
Simple. Timeless. Iconic. Classic members are perfect just the way they are.
All members get:
- to help keep Skin Deep going!
- our lovingly curated monthly newsletter, written by a member of the team and featuring exclusive nuggets of goodness from our favourite collaborators
- priority booking and other sweet deals on selected events
- our beloved annual print magazine delivered to your door
Paket 2 von 3: Extra
Einmalige Zahlung
£66 Einmalige Zahlung
A little bit Extra, but in the best possible way. If the recipe says three cloves of garlic, you're adding six.
All members get:
- to help keep Skin Deep going!
- our lovingly curated monthly newsletter, written by a member of the team and featuring exclusive nuggets of goodness from our favourite collaborators
- priority booking and other sweet deals on selected events
- our beloved annual print magazine delivered to your door
The Most
Paket 3 von 3: The Most
Einmalige Zahlung
£132 Einmalige Zahlung
Maximalist. Over the top. But in the words of Luther Vandross never too much.
All members get:
- to help keep Skin Deep going!
- our lovingly curated monthly newsletter, written by a member of the team and featuring exclusive nuggets of goodness from our favourite collaborators
- priority booking and other sweet deals on selected events
- our beloved annual print magazine delivered to your door
Paket 1 von 3: Classic
Einmalige Zahlung
£3 Einmalige Zahlung
Simple. Timeless. Iconic. Classic members are perfect just the way they are.
All members get:
- to help keep Skin Deep going!
- our lovingly curated monthly newsletter, written by a member of the team and featuring exclusive nuggets of goodness from our favourite collaborators
- priority booking and other sweet deals on selected events
- our beloved annual print magazine delivered to your door
Paket 2 von 3: Extra
Einmalige Zahlung
£6 Einmalige Zahlung
A little bit Extra, but in the best possible way. If the recipe says three cloves of garlic, you're adding six.
All members get:
- to help keep Skin Deep going!
- our lovingly curated monthly newsletter, written by a member of the team and featuring exclusive nuggets of goodness from our favourite collaborators
- priority booking and other sweet deals on selected events
- our beloved annual print magazine delivered to your door
The Most
Paket 3 von 3: The Most
Einmalige Zahlung
£12 Einmalige Zahlung
Maximalist. Over the top. But in the words of Luther Vandross never too much.
All members get:
- to help keep Skin Deep going!
- our lovingly curated monthly newsletter, written by a member of the team and featuring exclusive nuggets of goodness from our favourite collaborators
- priority booking and other sweet deals on selected events
- our beloved annual print magazine delivered to your door
Paket 1 von 3: Classic
Einmalige Zahlung
£3 Einmalige Zahlung
Simple. Timeless. Iconic. Classic members are perfect just the way they are.
All members get:
- to help keep Skin Deep going!
- our lovingly curated monthly newsletter, written by a member of the team and featuring exclusive nuggets of goodness from our favourite collaborators
- priority booking and other sweet deals on selected events
- our beloved annual print magazine delivered to your door
Paket 2 von 3: Extra
Einmalige Zahlung
£6 Einmalige Zahlung
A little bit Extra, but in the best possible way. If the recipe says three cloves of garlic, you're adding six.
All members get:
- to help keep Skin Deep going!
- our lovingly curated monthly newsletter, written by a member of the team and featuring exclusive nuggets of goodness from our favourite collaborators
- priority booking and other sweet deals on selected events
- our beloved annual print magazine delivered to your door
The Most
Paket 3 von 3: The Most
Einmalige Zahlung
£12 Einmalige Zahlung
Maximalist. Over the top. But in the words of Luther Vandross never too much.
All members get:
- to help keep Skin Deep going!
- our lovingly curated monthly newsletter, written by a member of the team and featuring exclusive nuggets of goodness from our favourite collaborators
- priority booking and other sweet deals on selected events
- our beloved annual print magazine delivered to your door
Oft gestellte Fragen
Als Schenkende:r gibst du die E-Mail-Adresse des Beschenkte:n an. Sobald der Kauf abgeschlossen ist, wird eine E-Mail mit den Einzelheiten der Geschenkmitgliedschaft (natürlich ohne Angabe des Preises) an die/den Beschenkte:n gesendet. Wenn das von dir ausgewählte Mitgliedspaket Artikel beinhalten sollte, die per Post verschickt werden, musst du beim Kauf auch eine Lieferadresse des/der Beschenkte:n angeben.
Nein, Geschenkmitgliedschaften verlängern sich nicht automatisch. Wenn du die Mitgliedschaft nach Ablauf der Laufzeit erneut verschenken möchtest, empfehlen wir dir, gleich einen Vermerk in deinem Kalender anzulegen. Alle Käufe von Geschenkmitgliedschaften sind einmalige Zahlungen.
Du suchst gar kein Geschenk? Dann schau dir die regulären Mitgliedschaftspakete an.