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May News (Week 19)

Beloved Creature. Here are the weekly news from your COSMIC CHAOS CLUB

Tarot - Moon Wisdom - Events - Witchy Tip - Cosmic News

Wishing you all a gentle week, sunny bank holiday and good moods.

The Hierophant, the card of Taurus?

Each Zodiac has its own Tarot card. For Taurus it is the Hierophant. The Hierophant is the counterpart to the High Priestess. You may know him as well as the Pope, the High Priest or the Teacher.

The Hierophant represents religion, spirituality, wisdom and traditions. Whenever the Hierophant shows up, it’s a good time to reflect on your belief system. Think about the things you know, the things you can share and the things you wanna know. Which traditions are still serving you and which are based on values / beliefs which are not longer align. Maybe you belief in something and you habe no idea why, you just grow up with it. The Hierophant is patient, knowing wisdom is coming with the time.

When you look at the RWS deck , this cards shows a man, greeting heaven and earth. His three layers of cloths and the three parts of the crown representing the three worlds he rules: Conscious, Subconscious and superconscious (a deep state of calm inner peace).

When we think about Taurus, we think about Harmony, Nature, Security and Wealth. Taurus needs a long time for adapting or changing things, as it is the first fix zodiac. Same with the Hierophant, he likes to discover, to explore but takes his time to change belief systems, traditions and more.

Moon Wisdom


Join the Moon circle here:

Monday to Wednesday: Taurus
Security, perseverance and endurance are increasingly noticeable these days. In the Taurus Moon phase, we are less willing to take risks and enjoy projects that need our attention in the long term. The Taurus Moon tends to make such projects successful.

Good for:
sun bathing (with SPF), Taurus loves food, this waning moon phase is great for having some extra treats, relax bath, sport, sauna, cleaning the house, planting trees, repairing things, cutting straight hair, dyeing hair brown shades, Dentist, cuddles, moving in a new apartment / place, massage for neck, let go rituals

(Taurus represents throat, neck, voice, ears and shoulders)

Thursday-Saturday: Gemini
Now the moon is waxing again and with it the Gemini energy awakens curiosity and spontaneity in us. Time for nice talks, cool actions and

Good for:
Washing hair, treat ingrown nails, sport, energizing bath, collecting herbs, planting seeds for herbs, plants and vegetables, baking, reading, shopping, wellness, strengthening yoga, enjoying time together, flat search, conferences
(Gemini represents arms, hands, shoulders and lungs)

Saturday-Sunday: Cancer
We are looking more for care and a family atmosphere. During this time, we often indulge in old memories and feelings. In addition, a waxing Moon in Cancer can make us quite moody or emotional.

Good for:
Sports, watering plants, lawn mowing, washing dishes, wellness, flat search, wellness and long baths
(Cancer represents chest, breast, liver bile and stomach)


This week you will find me (cosmic chaos) and the schedule of the movement social club here:

Tuesday 7th: Energizing Yoga Flow with Linh 8-9 am
Mat Pilates with Gustavo 6-7 pm

New Moon Circle with Skai 7:30-9:30 pm

Wednesday 8th: Power Yoga with Linh 8-9 am
Vinyasa Flow with Barbara 6-7 pm

TAROT Night with Skai at zum starken August: Start: 8:30 pm

Friday 10th: Power Pilates with Gustavo 5:15-6:15 pm
Stretch Pilates with Gustavo 6:45-7:45 pm

KISMET Esoteric Shop - Witchy consultations and Tarot Talk with
Skai Addams 3-7 pm

Saturday 11th: Yoga and Dance with Barbara - Start 12:00 pm

KISMET Esoteric Shop - Witchy consultations and Tarot Talk
with Skai Addams 12-7 pm

Sunday 12th: TAROT STAMMTISCH at zum starken August - 1:30-5:00 pm (Tickets via Momoyoga)

For Booking with Movement Social Club - check out Momoyoga for Movement Social Club.

For Bookings with me use calendly or the Momoyoga Cosmic Chaos Club:

Witchy Tips

Thursday: dedicated to Jupiter (the roman god) or Thor´s Day, the God of Thunder (in German: DONNERS Tag). Jupiter day is for health, abundance and expansion. And of course, as connected with Thor this day is bringing strength too. Also Luck is associated with Jupiter.
Here are some more witchy tips aboutThursday and the Jupiter energy.

Tea Time and Wonder Herbs
Enjoy a mood boost and some lucky herbs. With these teas in the morning, you will feel uplifted. I suggest some of the following herbs for luck, abundance and positive energy.

Orange (vitamin c, lifts the mood, hydrates, improves digestions, lowers belly fat, supports cognitive functions, keeps blood sugar levels, reduces high cholesterol)
♡Meditation with an Orange can help you feeling more balanced emotionally and spiritually. It supports our compassion and opens our heart for others and ourselves. ♡

Cinnamon (supports blood sugar, protects against heart disease, reduces inflammation, antioxidant, antimicrobial, activities against neurological disorders like Alzheimer or Parkinson)
♡A bit cinnamon in your purse brings money. Cinnamon in front of the door brings luck and blocks negative energies. And cinnamon in your spells (or candle magick etc) brings successful manifestation and supports psychic and intuitive abilities.♡

Sage (supports against chemical imbalances in the brain that cause problems with memory and thinking skills like Depression and Alzheimer, against symptoms of Meno-pause, calming, reduces overproduction of perspiration and saliva, antioxidant, lowers cholesterol and blood sugar level, and lift your mood)
♡Sage-Wish: write your wishes on some fresh sage leaves. Place them under your pillow for three nights. Read them every night before you sleep. After the third night, burn or burry your leaves and let the universe do its job. IMPORTANT- the moment you hand them over to the universe, stop thinking about them. They will find its way to you. Trust the Process.♡

Magical Supporter:
Carrying a turquoise tumbled stone in your pocket brings protection and supports healing.

Taurus season loves styling:
Wear mood boosting colors associated with this day/ energy: purple, green and deep royal blue.

Kitchen witch:
Smudging with sage clears the environment and energy. You can purify your ritual tools, your accessories, your home, yourself. Be careful when you deal with Asthma, less is more, as sage is kinda heavy for sensibles lungs. Sage can enhance your intuition and supports healing, as it reduces stress and anxiety.

Tarot Ritual:
To support yourself and your new moon intentions this week, these cards will help or guide you:

The Wheel of Fortune - represents Jupiter and reminds us to always move forward and to trust the process.

The Hierophant - represents spiritual wisdom, traditions and beliefs

4 of Pentacles - reminds us to leave the comfort zone and to check in with our self worth and need for stability and security

The Magician - As above so below… it’s all connected. You get what you send out.

Cosmic News

What happens this week in the universe and how will it affect us?

Did you finally arrived in Taurus season. Its all about the beauty and joy in life. During this time, we are invited to celebrate our wealth and the harmony we experience in our relationships. Enjoy good food, wellness and some chill time, before the active season of Gemini starts.

Pluto retrograde since last Friday:
And the planet of transformation, change and rebirth is retrograde… again. He will go back to Capricorn for a last visit until October. One last time a moment, where the earthy, traditional and conservative energy of Capricorn will try to keep old belief systems. One last time, before Pluto completely moves into Aquarius. So in case you struggling with networking and building a nice home, sorting your ideas and sticking to old routines, and finding structure but enjoying the freedom, thats normal. Pluto brings the big changes, but big changes mostly come through chaos. And this is kinda what we experience when a planet is moving so slow and back and for in two signs for months.

Moon conjunction with four planets:
The moon is transiting Venus, Sun, Uranus and Jupiter during this week. During the new moon phase, we are invited to look at the hidden parts inside us.
Venus: Relationships and needs
Sun: Authenticity and Life-Will
Uranus: Revolution and changes
Jupiter: Growth and changes

Sun-Uranus Conjunction:
Sund and Uranus are in a conjunction within the sign of Taurus.
Uranus is the planet of innovation, surprises and progress. It is a good time for natural inclination to pursue unconventional ideas, to go your own way, to turn away from traditional expectations and conventions, to pursue your own unique style and ideas.
The Sun-Uranus conjunction brings a strong urge for independence and freedom, to shape your life in your own way and to break away from the expectations of others.
With Uranus close to the Sun, unexpected changes and surprises may enter our lives more frequently. These changes can be exciting and refreshing, but they could also bring challenges as we need to learn to adapt and be flexible.
This conjunction in the sign of Taurus means, a heightened understanding of money and investments may arise now.
Although Uranus symbolizes change and innovation, the conjunction in Taurus could also indicate that there is some skepticism or resistance to change being felt at the same time. Taurus is a fixed sign and prefers stability and consistency, so we may sometimes be reluctant to embrace new ideas or ways of doing things.


Do you like it? Let’s talk about it in the community.

Wishing you a gentle, powerful and magical week.

Much love


Kategorie News and Wisdom

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