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June News (Week 26)

Magical Week lovely beings.

How do you feel lately? I feel like the energies are all over the place, time is literally relativ and the world is upside down. Good moments and scary news are so close to each other, that I hope, this newsletter finds you well and gives you some sweet insights to have a moment of joy. I really hope you all have something to look forward to, to work on or to relay on.
My third week as a self-employed person startet and I’m still anxious but also really excited about all the things they happen at the moment.
We also had a wonderful full moon circle, I’m really grateful for. Thanks for joining.

You wanna exchange with like-minded? Become a Cosmic Chaos Member and join our Telegram Community, receive the monthly TarotScope (only Reflection Membership), or support my work as silent supporter. You will receive the newsletter, free events and a permanent discount code. I’m also offering a TarotAbo from July - your monthly Taropy. Looking forward to this new experience.

What you will find:

Moon Movement - which signs and what do we need to know about it

Events - what’s we offer

Mental Health - Skills, support and facts

Witchy Wisdom - learn about many different topics like herbs, crystals, tarot, months, moons, spells, rituals and much more

Cosmic News - I provide every week a little insight of cosmic energies. What are the planets telling us?

Wishing you all a gentle week and good moods. Enjoy the news <3

Moon Movement

The next Moon Circle will be Sunday July 21st at the Movement Social Club Studio in Prenzlauer Berg. More infos coming in the next newsletter or click the button:


Find the moon placements during the next two week. We are in the waning moon phase (the Yin Phase or the feminine / passive energy), These two weeks the energy is soft and introvert.

Monday - Tuesday: Aquarius
Waning Moon in Aquarius invites us to be more spontaneous and adventurous. Now is a good time to expand our horizons. Create a Vision Board

Training/ Stretching / Massage during Aquarius Moon Days: Lower legs / calves. Alternating baths promote blood circulation and strengthen the heart. They also lift the mood.

Wednesday - Thursday: Pisces
Waning Moon in Pisces brings cozy times for self care and dreamy moments. These days are good for slow movements, creativity and making space for our sensitivity and spirituality.

Training / Stretching / Massage during Pisces Moon Days: Feet, Toes. Pedicure, Breath work and somatic massages are good for the nervous system. Dream Journaling and Crown Chakra Meditation to connect with your divine energy.

Friday - Sunday: Aries
The waning moon in Aries is a good time for last minute tasks and to begin new projects. Start with sports, journaling or just some breath work after waking up. These days will help you to start.

Training / Stretching /Massage: Head massage, face massage are good (especially Chaw line). Progressive muscle relaxation for the face to release anger and doubts. Root Chakra Meditation to strengthen trust and willpower.

Sunday - Tuesday: Taurus
The waning moon in Taurus enhances patience and persistence. These days are good to plan longer projects. Also good these days: creative expression. Write a song, paint, sing or play an instrument, dance or cook. Embrace joy and harmony.

Training / Stretching / Treatments: Ear Candles, humming, neck and shoulder massage and exercises, Face Masks, Beauty Treatments, Tea. Throat Chakra Meditation to unblock the throat and speak clearly.

Tuesday - Thursday: Gemini
The waning moon in Gemini makes us also more adventurous and we like to meet people and be more spontaneous than making long term plans. This is a time of communication and following up on interests.

Training / Stretching / Treatments: Arm Training, Breath work to strengthen the lungs, journaling, talking, learning, arm and hand massages, manicure.
Throat Chakra Meditation

Friday - Sunday: Cancer
The New Moon in Cancer (Saturday 6th of July) enhances our intuition and makes it easier to understand what we really need at the moment. This is a good time to enhance the full passive (Yin or feminine energy) and enjoy a self-care day at home. These days we are more emotional and maybe moody. It's a good time for emotional reflection, a sense of nostalgic and a check in with our subconscious (Tarot and oracle cards are a great tool).

Training / Stretching / Treatments: Relaxation Training, Bath, Breath Work, Swimming, Cooking, Yin Yoga. Third Eye Chakra Meditation. Healing Meditation.


This week you will find me, the schedule of the movement social club and other cool events here:

Wednesday 26th June:
Skai at Kismet 14:00 - 18:00 (spiritual consultations and Tarot Readings)

Tarot Night at zum starken August Start 20:30

Thursday 27th June:
19:00 Release and Relax Class with Skai

Friday 28th June:
Skai at Kismet 15:00-19:00 (spiritual consultations and Tarot Reading)

Skai at Oxi Club 23:00 - 01:00 (Tarot Reading)

Saturday 29th June:
Skai at Kismet 12:00 - 19:00 (spiritual consultations and Tarot Reading)

Sunday 30th June:EVENT!
11:45Self-Love Hypnosis and Brunch with Linh Movement Social Club

Tuesday 2nd July:
Skai at Kismet 15:00 - 18:00(spiritual consultations and Tarot Readings)

Wednesday 3rd July:
Skai at Kismet 14:00 - 18:00 (spiritual consultations and Tarot Readings)

Tarot Night at zum starken August Start 20:30

Thursday 4th July:
Skai at Kismet 15:00 - 18:00(spiritual consultations and Tarot Readings)

19:00 Release and Relax Class with Skai

F (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)or Bookings (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)with Movement Social Club - check out Momoyoga for Movement Social (Öffnet in neuem Fenster) Club.

For Bookings with me, please (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)
use calendly or the Momoyoga Cosmic Chaos Club:

I have a few free spots left in July. Book your Tarot-Astro Reading, Workshop or Tattoo Appointment.



Topic of the Week: Breath and Breath work

Last time we went into the world of anger. This time I would like to share some really helpful breath exercises, which helped me through the last years dealing with my anxiety, anger, depression and down wards spirals.

Breath work may not be the cure but a powerful tool to become more mindful, to feel more connected and to release tension.

Inhalation sends signals. The deeper we inhale in our belly, the more our body understand: we are safe. Nowadays we are short breathing and mostly just in our chest, so our body is in an alarming mood. Whenever you feel slightly stressed, overwhelmed or rushed. Just take a few really deep inhale and bring your attention to your nose, throat, lungs and belly and feel how the air flows deeply through your body. This helps to accept the feeling and at the same time to focus the mind on something really useful. Our conscious breath.

Breath Technique for anger, melt-downs, panic attacks and strong downward spiraling:

4×4 or the square breath

inhale four seconds

hold your breath four seconds

exhale four seconds

hold your breath four seconds

repeat it 3-5 times until you feel better/ a bit released / connected with yourself again

What is your favorite technique to overcome stress and panic attacks? Would love to read some tips from you.

Witchy Wisdom


The name March comes from Martius, which in Latin corresponds to Mars, the Roman god of war. Mars was also honoured as the patron saint of agriculture. March was named after Mars because spring began in this month and the Romans resumed their military campaigns after the winter.

Pagan Traditions:
It's also the month of Ostara, the Spring Equinox.
Mother Earth is in Balance. Day and Night are equal before days become longer and nights shorter.
Ostara: Celebration of the astro new year. Spring Season starts and life awakes.

Associated Plants and Herbs:
Daffodils stand for new beginnings and creativity.
It says Thyme heals all wounds. :) So thyme, lemon and chili are good during this season. They are strengthening, uplifting and activating.

Zodiac: Pisces & Aries. Pisces is ruled by Neptune (earlier Jupiter) and Aries is rules by Mars. It’s literally the awaking from the dreamy winter introspection. With the Aries season, we wake up and feeling more empowered to start things again and become more active.

Moon: Worm Moon
The Worm Moon is named after the earthworms that emerge as the soil thaws in March. It signifies the beginning of spring and the return of life to the earth.

Archetype: the Empress, the High Priestess

Magical Supporter:
Aquamarine: Associated with clarity, communication and inner peace.
Blue Chalcedon: Serenity, expression and inner peace.

Ostara: To celebrate mother natures and our fertility, you can place a golden egg on your altar. It represents the slowly increasing sun light and so life. Ostara, the ancient Germanic goddess of the spring, transformed a bird into a hare, and the hare responded by laying colored eggs for her festival. Ostara is also believed to have been responsible for bringing about spring each year.

1. Planting Seeds Ritual

  • Materials: Small pots or garden space, seeds, soil, water.

  • Steps: Set intentions, plant seeds, visualize growth, water, express gratitude.

2. Spring Cleaning Ritual

  • Materials: Cleaning supplies, salt, essential oils or incense (optional).

  • Steps: Set intentions, clean thoughtfully, sprinkle salt for cleansing, remove salt, refresh with essential oils or fav incense.

3. Equinox Meditation Ritual

  • Materials: Comfortable seating, candle, bowl of water.

  • Steps: Light candle, meditate on balance, gaze into water, visualize intentions, express gratitude.

Tarot Ritual:
Good time to ask the cards about:

What should be more visible / appreciated
What needs balance
What needs to be released to make space for growth

Supportive Tarot Cards: the empress, nine of pentacles, queen of pentacles, the emperor, the high priestess

Cosmic News


What happens this week in the universe and how will it affect us?

The Moon transits the following planets in the next two weeks and create conjunctions with:

Saturn: It’s a time for introspection and setting boundaries, fostering a strong foundation for personal growth.

Neptune: This energy promotes compassion, creativity, and spiritual exploration, making it ideal for meditation, artistic pursuits, and spiritual healing.

Mars: Spiritually, it encourages you to confront emotional conflicts and channel your energy into constructive activities. It’s a period of intense emotions that can be transformative if managed wisely.

Uranus: This energy can be disruptive but also liberating, offering a fresh perspective on your emotional world.

Jupiter: This encourages you to seek wisdom, broaden your perspective, and embrace abundance in your life. This energy fosters faith and a deeper connection to the larger universe.

Sun (New Moon): This conjunction offers a clean slate, inviting you to focus on what you truly desire and align your actions with your inner truth.

Venus: It promotes balance, harmony, and the expression of love in all forms. This energy encourages you to connect with your heart and cultivate inner and outer beauty.

Mercury: Align your thoughts with your emotions, fostering understanding and connection. This energy supports learning, journaling, and introspective dialogue.

Mercury in Leo:
Mercury in Leo enhances your ability to express yourself with creativity and flair. It encourages you to communicate with confidence, passion, and a sense of drama. Mercury in Leo also connects the intellect with the heart, encouraging you to speak from a place of sincerity and warmth. This placement promotes open-hearted communication, where you express your true feelings and connect deeply with others. Use your communication skills to lead, motivate, and bring people together.

Mercury trine Saturn:
This harmonious aspect brings a blend of Mercury’s intellect and Saturn’s discipline, fostering a structured and methodical approach to thinking and communication. This is an excellent time for planning, strategizing, and committing to long-term ideas / plans. Mercury trine Saturn strengthens your ability to concentrate and focus on detailed tasks. Saturn’s influence grounds Mercury’s intellectual energy, allowing you to see things realistically and pragmatically. Spiritually, it’s a time to seek wisdom through experience, apply lessons learned, and make decisions that reflect your higher values and long-term well-being. It’s a time to dedicate yourself to practices that promote inner development, such as studying spiritual texts, engaging in disciplined meditation, or setting and achieving personal growth goals. This trine helps you build a solid foundation for lifelong learning and spiritual evolution.

Venus sextile Mars:
This aspect enhances your creative energy, blending Venus's artistic influence with Mars’s dynamic drive. Venus sextile Mars promotes positive and engaging social interactions . It’s a time when your charm and enthusiasm are heightened, making it easier to connect with others and build harmonious relationships. It encourages you to assert yourself with grace and confidence, finding a harmonious way to pursue your desires and needs without causing conflict
Spiritually, this aspect helps you to embrace both the nurturing and passionate aspects of your nature, leading to fulfilling and dynamic connections. It’s an ideal time to cultivate deeper intimacy and mutual appreciation in your relationships.

There are many more interesting constellation. If you are curious to discover more or you wanna talk about your chart, send me a dm or book a reading with me. Astrology is a wonderful tool and language to discover yourself and cosmic energies.


Do you like it? Let’s talk about it in the community.

Wishing you a gentle, powerful and magical week.

Much love


Kategorie News and Wisdom

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