Happy New Year
I wish you all a happy new year, good health and many beautiful moments!
This time, I have packed my wishes into a special format - to listen to in the new podcast episode "She dies in beauty - Why You Can Feel Both Eco-Grief And Hope. (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)"
Did you ever feel eco-grief, this modern malaise, a mix made by knowledge and experience of biodiversity loss and climate crisis? How is it possible to feel hope at the same time?
Come with me and visit a place of extreme ambiguity where a restricted area becomes a rewilding idyll. Learn about traditions of feeling oneness and interconnectedness with nature, from ancient times to Minnesang and Troubadours, and old mystics until modern people like Romain Rolland or Oliver Sacks. Find out how to feel awe and the happiness of unselfing!
Wishing you a good start of 2023,