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Physical limitations were not addressed or alleviated through proper single Kettlebell technique

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rom2wR4rzpg (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)

Their physical limitations were not addressed and / or alleviated through proper single KB technique and programming.

So guys show up to LEVEL 4 thinking they’re ready to go, only to discover a few workouts in, that their shoulder… lower back… knee… or elbow suddenly hurts.

Or that old injury they thought they’d taken care of, suddenly resurfaced.

The reality is they just changed exercises and escaped the pain cycle, but never really fixed the issue. And now double KB work just threw them right into their issues again.

It’s like shooting themselves in the foot, without knowing why.

Learn More on My Following YouTube Channel:

https://www.youtube.com/@GeoffNeupert/videos (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)
Kategorie Kettlebell Workouts

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