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5 TIPS For Using Kettlebells To Stay on Track and Keep Your Sanity this time of year

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e67gY7lgGdk (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)

Here are some resources if you need them:

[+] Daily Training “Programmed For You”

https://salutis.kartra.com/page/Iyq450 (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)

[+] Swing “only” programming

https://salutis.kartra.com/page/SWING-HARD-2 (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)

[+] Snatch “only” programming

https://cart.chasingstrength.com/ksk3 (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)

[+] Clean + Press “only” programming

https://salutis.kartra.com/page/oWP219 (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)

[+] Clean + JERK Challenge

https://go.chasingstrength.com/kettlebell-rmf-2022/ (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)

As I film this, Christmas is 2 weeks away.

I’m not sure how that happened.

Seems like there’s so much to do between now and the end of the year and my list is getting longer.

It also seems like I’m running out of time to get stuff done.

I can see how some people lose their minds this time of year.

[X] Holiday prep

[X] Holiday travel

[X] Relatives visiting

[X] Christmas shopping / sales

[X] Kids off school

[X] Kids going back to school

[X] Kids athletic championships

[X] Kids’ birthdays

[X] Holiday parties

[X] Hangovers

You get the idea.

It’s really easy to feel the Pressure of OVERWHELM and skip workouts.

Problem with that is, you lose many of your GAINZ and end up discouraged and frustrated long about the 2nd week of January.

Here are 5 Tips to Keep Your Sanity And Not Feel Overwhelmed This Time of Year:

(Use all or any of them, based upon your needs.)

[1] Do shorter workouts.

Some people do longer workouts / training sessions 45-60 minutes.

Chop them down to 20 to 30 minutes.

If you’re already doing short workouts, scale them back even more - 15 to 20 minutes.

Even 10 minutes in some cases.

[2] Do ONE exercise per workout / training session.

You may already be doing this. If so, great, keep going.

But if you’re not, the thought of doing another exercise when the clock is winding down, may increase your stress levels.

Simply pick your favorite exercise, and do that for your training sessions.

Or alternate between your top two exercises.

[3] Train DAILY.

Instead of every other day.

This may sound counterintuitive, but if stress accumulates daily, you may need a way to get rid of it.

It’s surprising how short, 10-15 minute DAILY training sessions take the edge off.

[4] Breathe MORE.

Diaphragmatic breathing stimulates the vagus nerve, which activates your parasympathetic nervous system (PNS).

Your PNS is responsible for “resting and digesting.”

Take 5 to 10 minutes right before bed and practice diaphragmatic breathing to slash your stress levels and sleep better.

[5] Walk DAILY.

Increased activity decreases stress.

Walking is the simplest, easiest, most no-brainer form of exercise you can do.

And for most, it’s easily accessible.

Sunlight and fresh air are a Godsend for many this time of year.

[BONUS 1] Do EASIER Exercises

Sometimes, you just need to go easier.

Instead of hard double KB work, like Clean + Presses, you may just need to “dial it back” to something easier, like Snatches (with a single KB).

Or dial back from Snatches to Swings.

You get the picture.

You’re still moving, but you alleviate the mental pressure.

[BONUS 2] Do HARDER Exercises

This might sound counterintuitive for most, but some people actually require MORE physically demanding activities as a way to offset their stress.

“Upgrade” from single to double KB workouts.

Swings to Snatches.

Snatches to Clean + Presses.

Clean + Presses to Clean + Jerks.

You get the idea.

Pick any one of these 7 or combine what you need to sail through the Holiday Season unscathed by stress and stronger in the New Year.

Hope you found this helpful.

Stay Strong,


Kategorie Kettlebell Workouts

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