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Low testosterone and growth hormone makes it difficult to build muscle

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l9rPrB5VJCg (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)

Low testosterone and growth hormone makes it difficult to build muscle and burn fat.

Excess fat, especially stomach fat, blocks the release of testosterone (T), the male anabolic / muscle-building hormone.

Fat cells produce an enzyme called aromatase.

And aromatase takes your T and converts it into estrogen.

(Yes, “Man Bewbs.”)

This results in the down regulation of GLUT4 - the insulin-responding glucose transporter protein found predominantly in muscle and fat cells.

And as a result, you end up with increased glucose intolerance and insulin resistance.

Glucose intolerance is abnormally and excessively high blood sugar.

And insulin resistance is the need for excess insulin release for cells and your liver to store carbohydrates.

Both are dangerous because they can lead to type 2 diabetes (and all the “fun” stuff that comes with it, including heart disease, ED, and even having your feet amputated).

So you end up with low T, high estrogen, and excess body fat, and most of the carbs you eat are stored as fat.

This becomes a vicious cycle from which many never escape.

Learn More on My Following YouTube Channel:

https://www.youtube.com/user/GeoffNeupert/videos (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)
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