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Double Kettlebell Clean and Press - Rep Max Test

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xs0CDyZFEUc (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)

The Double Kettlebell Clean and Press is arguably the most "complete" kettlebell exercise you can do to change your capability and your appearance.

Performing the Clean & Press with a pair of kettlebells is one of the most complete “exercises” there is.

It works your upper and lower body.

And it works almost all the fundamental human movement patters: Push, Pull, Squat, Bend, Lunge, Twist, Walk (Gait).

It’s a -

✅  Bend

✅  Pull

✅  Push

✅  Squat 


Yes, there’s some knee bend in there, so your quads get some work, but without the leg chafing that comes from heavy squats.

Think about it:





Lower back






Upper back


… All worked from simply picking a pair of kettlebells up and pressing them over head.

Not to mention when you do them for reps.

That's a game changer.

In this video I decided to take my 32kg kettlebells for a spin and do a double kettlebell clean and press rep max test.

I did a "comfortable" 10 at an 8 out of 10 RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion).

I could've probably squeezed out 2 more.

A 10RM is a great load to force some noticeable changes to take place in your body.

Assuming you have your programming dialed in.

I put together a kettlebell workout (Öffnet in neuem Fenster) program based on the Clean and Press - you can use single or double...

... That a lot of guys over 30 are really enjoying.

They're reporting back things like the following -

💪  Shirts start fitting “differently” across the shoulders and upper back…

💪  Shirt sleeves start feeling tighter.

💪  Veins in your forearms that weren’t there before. Or at least you didn’t notice…

💪  Jeans than button easily and are no longer as snug in the waist like they once were.

💪  Every day activities, like running up and down the stairs are a breeze

This new kettlebell workout program is based upon your 10RM or your 5RM of you kettlebell clean and press, with 1 or 2 reps of "wiggle room" on either side.

It's called "THE GIANT" and it's only a max of 90 minutes a week.

You can check it out by visiting the link below:

https://salutis.kartra.com/page/PEI177 (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)

Kategorie Kettlebell Workouts

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