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Great Question

Monday, 23rd of October 2023  

Introducing you to the power of asking questions one Great Question at a time.

Which photo best explains who you really are?

For me, it’s this one. No make-up, no fancy clothes. No fear, no pressure, no obligations, no overthinking, no doubts. Just me, having a zest for life, being free, feeling excited, giddy, happy, full of joy and dreams, feeling alive, accepted and seen. Full of trust and feeling safe despite all the risks, dangers and uncertainties. On the run but at home at the same time. Enjoying the moment and embracing the adventure for what it literally is: adventurous.

  • What photo of yourself would you choose?

  • Which photo shows who you want to be?

  • What picture represents your desires, hopes, wishes and the most authentic version of yourself?

  • What part of yourself are you not giving enough room and why?

  • What part do you want to show more often to others and how could you start today?

Until next week,


++++++Für meine deutschsprachigen Follower++++++

Am 16. November biete ich ein einstündiges, kostenloses Schnupper-Seminar auf Deutsch an. Du bekommst Einblicke in meine Arbeit und erfährst, was eine Frage zu einer guten Frage macht. Hier geht's zur Anmeldung:

https://www.eventbrite.de/e/the-power-of-asking-questions-tickets-743212557767?aff=oddtdtcreator&keep_tld=1 (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)

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