How social media helped drive mayhem in Brazil / 2022 in Books / I don't buy into the flood
Happy new year to you and thanks for your ongoing support!
Here's three postings i published in my newsletter since the turn of the new year:
2022 in books (Öffnet in neuem Fenster) - short notes on all the 35 books i read in 2022.
I don't buy into the flood because Synthetic Taylor Swifts lack drama (Öffnet in neuem Fenster) - Plus: the state of the world 2023 / rickroll ckpt / these artists do not exist / nietzsche at a rave / family portraits with analog synthesizers / the physics of baking good pizza / and much more
How social media helped drive mayhem in Brazil (Öffnet in neuem Fenster) - Plus: Intellectual Challenge as a luxury good in an AI world / Poe’s The Raven x Transformer Neural Networks / Zork x Google Imagen
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