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Elina's Alchemy Weekly Newsletter (July 10th-16th 2023)

Beautiful Alchemists!

I am sending you warm greetings from Germany where the weather can't seem to decide if it's summer or autumn - but I am here for those storms as much as I am here for the sunny days by the river!

The past week, I had a little adventure with finding a small baby bird. I was recording in my music studio but I felt frustrated with my process so I decided to take a break by going around with my bycicle.

And there, a little furry ball was literally laying in the middle of the street, moving frantically and I almost drove over it! I stopped and carefully took it in my hands (it was super fragile!) and it just calmed down and fell asleep!

I tried to put it under a bush in hopes that its parents will still take it back and feed it but then it would awaken and start running hysterically towards the street again. In my hands, it went again to sleep. There was no sign of a nest or other birds. A cat was curiously watching, as well. A guy who had a shop nearby told me to just throw it to the cats. I almost replied in outrage but then I said to myself ''leave it, different consciousness''. Obviously the baby bird would not be safe if I left it there. It was so tiny I could feel its little heart calming down as I held it in my hand. I took this as a sign.

I went home almost in panic as I had no idea about what birds eat and what kind of a bird this was and if I had done well, at all, to take it with me or if I was basically kidnapping it.

I tried to feed it fruit and I even bought worms from a store but the baby refused to eat anything. It also refused to sit in a box - it would climb out and come climb on my foot.

With the bird in my one hand, I was trying to find some contact online to help me. It was late and nobody was answering. Honestly, I got very sad in that moment because the baby was obviously hungry but I had no idea why it wouldn't eat. I only found online that baby birds of that age require feeding every 30 minutes - and it had been 3 hours by now! The bird was not looking good and I had the feeling it had not been fed in some days.

''Angels, please help''! I said almost in desperation!

As if a miracle had just occured, the final number in the list of contacts caught my eyes. The name was that of a Miss Engel (which means angel in German). I thought to try this number but it said very emphatically, that this lady only accepts swift birds and no other kinds of birds.

I had no idea what kind of a bird this baby was but I Googled ''swift bird''.

To my delight, the baby was a swift bird!!!

I called and just as I expected to get no answer (it was 21:00 in the evening), a soft voice answered the phone.

I started explaining the situation in a mix of wanting to cry from relief and almost wanting to beg this lady to please tell me what to do to save the birdy.

She interrupted me and said ''send me a picture and I will tell you if it is a swift bird''. I did so and she indeed called me back to tell me not only this was a swift bird but it looked so undernourished she was not sure it would survive the night without intensive care.

But there is nowhere I can take it at this hour!

Then, the woman said ''well, the only solution would be if you could bring it to me but I don't suppose this is even possible - you are so far away''.

I was flushed with excitement at the possibility of saving the baby bird!

I said, ''do you really mean it? If I could right now bring the bird to you would you really take it in?'' - she said yes and I promised to leave right away, drive almost 2 hours by car and bring the bird to her.

Indeed, I packed my little friend in a box and got in the car. My man was so sweet to drive us. The little bird was uneasy in the box and so I held it over my heart, where it slept peacefully until we arrived.

The lady greeted us at her home, where the little bird felt right at ease into her experienced hands. She informed me that this was a nestling, it looked like it hadn't been fed in many days and that if I had left it there it would have perished. She would put it straight away into intensive care. I knew now my little friend was finally safe and had a chance at surviving. The lady also said this night would be critical but if the baby made it, it would be alright.

We bid us farewell and I went back into the car where I burst into tears - for a variety of reasons: #1 I felt I had bonded already with this little bird and I felt that I would miss it, #2 relief that I found someone to help, #3 the emotional intelligence of the bird had touched my heart so much and as I was holding it in my hands I could feel it wanted to be held and to not be abandoned. Finally, my heart was so filled with love and assurance, as I felt the Angels had done their miracle by aligning me with this lady.

I went home and barely managed to sleep that night, wishing and hoping the little bird would make it. I found an article online about this lady, where she was being interviewed for her work and it said she has been doing this since 23 years, curing baby swift birds that have been abandoned, nursing them back to health and even teaching them to fly and then greets them off to their first travels to warmer climates when winter has come in Europe.

These birds never come down and they even sleep whilst in flight! The travel the round of the earth multiple times throughout their lifetime and they travel between Africa and Europe according to the seasons. They live up to 21 years.

Morning came and I contacted Miss Engel. She informed me our little friend had made it through the night and was doing much better, being all perky and jumpy! She also placed it together with another birdy of the same age and they seem to have found a peer in each other!

Miracles do happen every day. For us and for little baby birds! I called out my angels and I immediately had a solution show up. Can you say it was a coincidence? Was it a coincidence that the name of this lady means ''angel'' in Germany? Was it a coincidence that of all the people who crossed the street, I had to be passing exactly that time? Was it a coincidence that I felt my process in the studio wasn't going anywhere and that was the reason I went out with my bicycle in the first place?

What seems like a coincidence, watch what a coordinated conspiracy it is from the whole Universe. And now, our little bird friend will grow and go ahead to travel the world, happy and free!

I hope sharing this story with you, helps you see, that if Divine Intelligence arranged for this little bird to be found by me and saved by Miss Engel, don't you think, Divine Intelligence looks over your journey as well? Don't you think the Universe will conspire to arrange and coordinate your highest good, for you, as well? I say, you can be SURE of it!

All my love,


P.S. If you need me for any assistance this week, please note that the website has returned and the shop is fully operational. You can book your reading/healing sessions from there - I will be happy to support you.