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Elina's Alchemy Weekly Newsletter (September 11th-17th 2023)

Beloved Alchemists!

Welcome to our weekly newsletter!

This weekend I was invited to sing my original singer-songwriter songs for a beautiful event and I was stunned to receive so much love and acknowledgement. It reminded me that you only need to place a jewel infront of the eyes of those who can discern beauty or the jewel might end up thinking it is coal...

Other than that, here I come with an exclusive pick a card reading for you!

Mini PICK A CARD for our newsletter members:

Take a few nice deep breaths and choose a card - feel free to move your hand over the cards on the screen if you so feel guided and see where your hand is drawn. Scroll below to read the message for this week for the card you chose!

Card 1

This week, an inner transformation is occuring - check how all cards came out reversed! This is internalized energy and paired with the card INSIGHT, the 8 of swords, emperor and ace of pentacles cards denote that someone is digging deep this week to find inner resources that offer emotional stability to overcome depression or languishing energy. You may have been seeking for support from a strong figure only to uncover that you are the emperor, you have been the emperor all along and the gifts you wished others to give to you because you thought you wouldn't be able to offer those to yourself - guess what, this week it becomes evident that you are more than capable to offer all that to yourself and everyone else is just a nice addition to the unit you already are. This may require you to take some down time this week to reflect on this theme and find out where your inner emperor/resources lie. Bottom line, your inner vision becomes activated not only to see where you may have been overstaying in depression but also to see yourself more accurately, to see the Emperor in you. This strength is not rigid strength but a compassionate one and you are coming to understand that power is not necessarily tyranical but power can actually be all that which you are, a gentle leader, a generous king quality energy. You have been overlooking your Emperor qualities and Spirit is aiding this week to help you claim those for they are already there maybe lying dormant. Time to be activated in profound ways for leadership! All my love & blessings for a wonderful week, Elina

Card 2

Water consciousness this week implies you are releasing and letting go of something this week or choosing to shift perspectives. Your way of seeing something may have changed and you may no longer be finding value in it so just like the water moves on and does not limit itself you are being aided this week to do so too, if you so choose. Moving on like the water, flowing and floating along with the rivers of life, the rythms of the Universe that reflect Divine Timing. Clearing work is favored this week - have a cleansing salt bath or go for a swim with the intention to clear your spirit of all old chapters one last time before you officially move on from those. This is energy that has made its circle - address it by asking the water to clear it away. The Hanged Man may be indicating some heavy energy from the past where you may have felt victimized or unable to deal with events. The new ventures ahead are taking you far from the possibility for this to be repeated, this lesson has been completed. Clear your energy and relax to let the new in. You are moving on. Feel free to look into my educational video on healing baths on youtube here:

https://youtu.be/aYwqhH3b-_U?si=vFYUj38o-uDM7vbS (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)

All my love for the new week, Elina

Card 3

This message is coming in to offer some reassurance around peace, harmony in relationships. Anxiety and worries or doubts you may have had around a love relationship or friendship are not necessary as you either are safe where you are at or a loving relationship that is stable and solid is coming soon in - you are to be receiving some confirmation around this, this week. I feel the message here for some of you to do a releasing ritual around past love disappointments so as to create an opening for the new. Do this this week. Enjoy the harmony and assure yourself you are safe. When anxiety creeps in remind yourself that even endings are always to bring something new in that is so much better suited - but for the majority of people here I feel this is a message to relax into what you have - it is stable and safe :) Find little excuses to tap into the beauty of what is already there or spot the beauty everywhere you can - in movies, around you, books, in daydreaming etc. You are setting an intention to rendez-vous with this energy! All my love for the week, Elina

KEEP IN MIND: This week we have a NEW MOON in VIRGO on September 14th/15th! A good time to set intentions around all things 6th house (work and daily life, routine, health and hygiene, body and nutrition, our service to the world, healing and regulating through our daily life routines).

ON A FINAL NOTE, I felt guided this week to share this beautiful music with you - it is a whole album but I especially love the tracks Coastline and Blessings - enjoy!

https://youtu.be/-sR9FHi_gks?si=ZIPuczTr0ygiZJjn (Öffnet in neuem Fenster)

All my Love,

Your Elina