Implement authenticity
Paket 2 von 2: Implement authenticity
100 €
/ Monat
100 € pro Monat
- "Daily Shot of Insight" emails
- One-on-one business coaching (once a quarter) to implement the Authenticity Economy practices for your business
OR become a sponsor of a project by donating this coaching
Supporting non-profit projects, like the Female Entrepreneurs and Creatives Meetup.
Implement authenticity
Paket 2 von 2: Implement authenticity
100 €
/ Monat
100 € pro Monat
- "Daily Shot of Insight" emails
- One-on-one business coaching (once a quarter) to implement the Authenticity Economy practices for your business
OR become a sponsor of a project by donating this coaching
Supporting non-profit projects, like the Female Entrepreneurs and Creatives Meetup.