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Tu jemandem was Gutes: Verschenke eine Mitgliedschaft

Durch den Kauf einer Geschenk-Mitgliedschaft unterstützt du unabhängige Medien.

🎁 Zugang für ein Jahr

Paket 1 von 1: Standard-Mitgliedschaft
48 € Einmalige Zahlung

- Unlimited access to the blog https://austriabyoeffis.at/,
- Support for the work of people who not only promote Austrian culture and history, but have also worked for the benefit of other people in non-governmental organisations,
- Access to google maps with interesting places - for free!
- If you have a business, we will consider your request for promotion as a priority and your support will be taken into account in the negotiations.
- we will mention your name or the name of your company as a contributor on our blog - if you so wish.

Paket 1 von 1: Standard-Mitgliedschaft
48 € Einmalige Zahlung

- Unlimited access to the blog https://austriabyoeffis.at/,
- Support for the work of people who not only promote Austrian culture and history, but have also worked for the benefit of other people in non-governmental organisations,
- Access to google maps with interesting places - for free!
- If you have a business, we will consider your request for promotion as a priority and your support will be taken into account in the negotiations.
- we will mention your name or the name of your company as a contributor on our blog - if you so wish.

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