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Navy Officers Quit Before Deployed to Red Sea

Dear reader,

This is our weekly round-up from Greece.

A doctor goes for her shift and will leave the hospital walking with a stick. She suffered a stroke, which she attributes to overworking due to understaffing. Understaffing seems to be also behind an elderly hospital patient left lying on the floor until his visiting grandson discovered him. Plus, a new report suggests the two biggest cancer hospitals in the country are collapsing.

The Greek Mafia strikes again by killing one of their own with some 80+ bullets at a fuel station on a central street in Athens. Perhaps it’s time for you to visit the city and geta a taste of the Far West in the (European?) Near East.   

18 Greek Navy officers resigned to avoid being sent to the Red Sea. It was not about politics. It was about money: they were called to risk their lives for 85 euros net per day. 

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